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“ Heeseung , can you stop talking to the dog for once ? ”

“ What ? It reminds me of my best friend . ”

“ Yeah , and who is that best friend ? You keep saying that his name was Jake but I never see him around . ”

“ Juhee , why are you here anyway ? ”

“ I have errands to run . Besides , wouldn't it be nice to see the face of my crush ? ”

Heeseung knew who Juhee was . Even before the curse , Juhee would follow him around the town to charm him . Heeseung , of course , wasn't swooned by her , not even her presence .

Juhee is 15 , while Heeseung is 2500 in god's age since he's a demigod . Well , count it 25 since he's currently under human influence . Anything that happens between them would not only make Heeseung a pedophile , but also a creep .

They stopped infront of a large statue in the middle of the town , the statue of someone well known to everyone . Especially to Lee Heeseung .

“ Jaeyun was so young when he died . I heard that he fought everyone off but can't escape a collapsing wall . ” told Juhee while wiping the dust on Jaeyun's name .

Living in the modern era , where everything is much easier . Technologies everywhere , gadgets , even high quality military supplies . The cursed helped a lot . They didn't remember why the war happened in the first place , so the citizens rebuilt the city and slowly advancing for a better future .

“ But how did he fought alone , though ? Mom told me that the soldiers were equipped with high tech weapons , and there were hundreds of them soldiers . How did he managed to do things alone ? ”

Heeseung laughed .

“ I don't know , Juhee . Maybe you should go to school and study more often . ”

“ Can't I just marry you or something ? I prefer marriage than going to school . ”

She's crazy .

“ No . That's pedophilia , Nam Juhee . Go find someone your own age . ”

Heeseung took once last glance of Jaeyun's statue before walking away from the teenager . He could already foresee Juhee's future before she does .

She's not marrying him , that's for sure .

Heeseung walked into the woods , where he built his own house to live . The house wasn't empty , but surely gives the vibe . It was as if even the house was dead .

It wasn't supposed to be like this . He wasn't supposed to live alone , even be alone . He could've made it , make a flowery path for the team .

But one manipulated the story of him leaving Jaeyun alone to die , when he tried . He tried to save Jaeyun , but instead , he held Jaeyun in his arms dying .

It was the past . No one remembers him now , not even the future . Destined to be alone .

“ Jaeyun , you would be so dissapointed to see how I'm holding onto my dear life . ”

He really is . With all of his suicide attempts , Heeseung could be the cover of Guiness Book of Records . He can't die , the electricity within him would electrocute his heart to keep it beating .

What's his power ? Heeseung would rather keeping them hidden . It was the reason the wall collapsed .

Night came , but Heeseung doesn't sleep . He never did , not after the curse . He tried sleeping once but it ended with nightmares instead .

He naps , though .

“ I'm by far the most pathetic demigod ever . Why did mom even marry a god ? Like hello ! I'm the one suffering here , thank you so much for the burden ! ” Heeseung rants .

So much for having an irresponsible god as his father , now he's cursed by him .

“ That old man really didn't think everything through when he cursed me , didn't he ? How am I supposed to continue living if even my god-ass father and mother don't remember me ? If he was a good father , he wouldn't have sent his own son to a war . So much for having my mom to marry his ass ! ” 

That's Heeseung for you , the cursed demigod .

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