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Yeonjun was dragged by Heeseung into the 'secret' room , checking on the sleeping Subin beforehand . She was sleeping like a log , Heeseung was so sure that she won't move even an inch when a bomb drops .

For someone who has been keeping secrets to himself , Yeonjun seemed to be so calm , flipping through the file with a smile on his face .

“ What do you mean by I found out , Yeonjun ? ” asked Heeseung , snatching the file away .

Yeonjun scoffed .

“ You're unbelievable . You know what I mean . ”

“ Yeah , but why are you acting like this ? Why aren't you doing anything when your sister's life is in danger ?! ”

Yeonjun poked his tongue on his inner cheek , feeling the urge to just punch Heeseung on the face instead of answering . He could feel tears forming in his eyes remembering the day he saw Subin walking into his cafe .

“ She was 7 when they took her , Hee . We lived in the province and was so poor to the point where my parents let HYBE took her for a fortune of foods . I couldn't mention a word about Subin after that . Why do you think I opened a cafe , huh ? ”

“ For people to drink ? ”

He's really unbelievable for a demigod .

“ It was for her , Heeseung . Subin loved cookies and loved playing house , so I opened a cozy house-like cafe for her with the hope that one day , just one day , she would walk through the door with a smile on her face . Guess what ? She did , and I had to pretend I had no idea who she was . ”
People can't really see behind those smiles of his , don't they ? Opening the cafe everyday , greeting customers with a bright smile when all he wanted was to see his younger sister walking through the cafe's door , like everyone else , a smile on her face .

She did , after years of waiting .

But he thought that she couldn't remember a thing about him because there was nothing behind her eyes back when she saw him .

“ How does it feel ? ”

“ What do you mean ? ”

“ How does it feel to see her again ? ”

He smiled .

“ It was wonderful . She was so cute when I last saw her , but now all grown up and more lady-like . She was more like a boy when we were kids , I couldn't believe I'm the brother and not her . ”

You could see the admiration behind Yeonjun's orbs . He was remembering how Subin used to climb trees and backflip the hell out of him , or put him in a chokehold .

Good old days , before she was taken away for no good purposes .

“ You know , when I first saw her , I thought that she was your doppelganger . Well , not until she freaked the shit out of me with those blue flashing orbs . ”

“ Oh , yeah ! I saw that too , but I had no idea that they turned my sister into some kind of manipulative machine for their own good . ”

“ She can levitate too , you know ? ”

“ Levitate ? Levitate as in floating in the air ? Like Scarlet Witch ? ”

Heeseung nodded .

Yeonjun was about to say something when Heeseung raised one of his hand up to stop him . The house was awfully quiet , and it wasn't supposed to be that way . Minutes ago , they could still hear Subin's snore .

“ Subin...... ” he gasped , running past Yeonjun who was a little late .

He was right , Subin went missing . They left a note on the table .

We're taking what's ours . Enjoy the fireworks ;) - PSH

“ What does it mean ? What firework ? ” asked Yeonjun with an agressive tone .

Heeseung wanted to say ‘ I don't know ’ , but that's when he saw red blinking dots .

“ Bomb.... ”

For the first time in 2 years , Heeseung finally had a use of his power , projecting a shield big enough for them both before the bomb ticks off .

Yeonjun , of course knew about him being a demigod , but not once did he ever shown his potential .

“ What type of a demigod are you ? ”

Just then , a sword came out of nowhere in Heeseung's hand and the shield the size of his upper body rather than the one that protected them .

“ I go to war when it calls me . What do you think ? ”

Saving Heeseung || Enhypen's HeeseungWhere stories live. Discover now