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" You came here to tell me that he's going to die ?! " yelled Subin .

" I'm sorr- "

" Your sorry won't fix shit , mister ! I'm going to lose him , and you don't know what it feels like to find out someone you love dying . "

Subin gripped on his collar tight before letting it go , harshly . She went back to Heeseung's side , only to find Heeseung eyes were closed .

" Hee ? No ..... No ! Heeseung ! Wake up ! You can't leave me here ! "

" He can hear you . " said the other guy that came along Heeseung's father .

They looked alike .

" He told me that he's tired , so he closed his eyes for a moment . He can still hear you , but you don't have much time . "

Subin cried , not knowing that this will be the end of them both . They were going to be happy , she was about to be happy . Seems like happiness can't reach both of them .

" Hey ? He said that you're listening , so I'm going to talk to you . "

She gave the guy a look , only for him to nod his head as a sign that Heeseung is listening .

" Remember when we first met ? I scared the shit out of you ? I knew that you were a demigod , so I tried to tell you that we're the same . I guess you didn't get my message because the next thing I knew , you treated me like a normal human being . "

She's slowly losing him , she could feel it .

" I was living my best life , crushing on you in silence . But then this whole shit happened and we had to show ourselves to everyone else . I couldn't tell you how much you mean to me , because I was too busy trying to save everyone but you never failed to show affections , telling me how precious I am despite being so fucked up in the head . I even got manipulated and turned my back against you . I'm sorry , Lee Heeseung . Can you stay alive for me ? Stay alive so that I could tell how much I love you ? "

That's when she felt herself getting stung by some kind of electricity .

" Hee ? Hee ! You're awake , right ? Please open your eye- " she was stopped .

The guy , who she assumed was Heeseung's brother , shook his head .

She lost him .

" No....... "

Jaeyun saw her aura darkened , knowing that she would either send them flying or crush the whole place down .

" EVERYONE TAKE COVER ! " he yelled .

Subin started screaming in agony , telling people how painful it was to lose Heeseung through her screams . A big wave of energy came out of her , sending the others flying across the room .

" I was just trying to sleep......" yelped Sunghoon , who has been laying flat on the floor and was just trying to get some rest .

Yeonjun , who was protected by Jaeyun , ran to hug his sister , whispering comforting words in her ears .

" It's okay , Subin . Heeseung wouldn't want to see you like this . Let him go . "

" I can't . I can't let him go . " she cried in Yeonjun's arms.

Heeseung's brother crawled back to her side , resting his hand on Subin's lap .

" Let him go , Subin . He's going to be in pain if you don't . "

Subin looked around her , giving everyone a look because they all played a part in this , in his death . She couldn't blame anyone now , she couldn't even blame Jaeyun or Sunghoon .

Subin scrunched her nose , gritting her teeth before turning her gaze back to Heeseung .

She had to .

She had to let him go .

" In another life , please find me again . Just you and me . " said Subin between her sobs .

She crouched down , giving Heeseung one last kiss on his lips as a sign of goodbye before going back into Yeonjun's arms to cry .

Jaeyun could only watch from the corner of the room for what he has done . His greed blinded him , and has killed the only person who ever cared about his well-being .

" I'm sorry , Heeseung . "

Saving Heeseung || Enhypen's HeeseungWhere stories live. Discover now