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" So , you're basically saying that we're currently hunted by crazy soldiers .....? "

" Yeah . "

" And they're actually going after this woman but now we're involved ? "

" Yes . "

" Great ! Is there anything else you guys would like to tell me ? "

He wouldn't take them seriously if they were to be honest to him .

" I'm a demigod ........? " told Heeseung .

He's finally brave enough to admit his identity . Well , it was all Subin's effort on convincing him all night last night .

They can't tell Yeonjun anything if there's not enough to tell , don't they ?

Yeonjun seems to be unfazed .

" Well , is there anything shocking than this ? "

" You're not shocked ? "

" Heeseung , you live in the middle of the woods . You lifted kilograms of coffee beans in one go and there's a freaking invisible barrier outside protecting us . "

Invisible barrier ?

Heeseung turns to look at Subin , in which she flashes him a sweet smile in return .

" The barrier was my doing , Yeonjun . Heeseung doesn't have the power to do that . "

Guess that Subin being abnormal is more shocking to him .

" Okay . That's enough for now . I need to take some fresh air , and maybe come up with a plan to help us since I don't have superpower . " Yeonjun took himself and his confused mind out to the house .

The two were left alone , again .

Subin really needs Heeseung to say something .

Out of a sudden , Heeseung pulls Subin hand to the living room , sitting them both down on the couch .

" Subin , I don't want to force you to talk it all out , but I atleast need to know something about you . A bit unfair for me to know nothing about you , don't you think ? "

Subin smiled , understanding very well that Heeseung means no harm as he wants nothing but to seek more of her .

She trusts him fully .

Enough to tell him everything.

" I was 7 when they took me , the only child amongst others . We were tested everyday , and most died , but not me . I was the only survivor . Not to mention , a child . "

She could see faces of those who died flashes before her eyes.

" Since then , I became their lab rat . Always sticking those needles and liquids into me . One particular day , I've lost control of myself and killed one of their scientists . They locked me up somewhere , as if I was a dog with those collars . I turned insane in that room , using my power to hurt myself . They would shock me with the collar if I did . "

Heeseung might have lived longer , but Subin has been suffering long enough .

And it's not ending.

" When I was 10 , they told me that I was ready . I don't understand , of course . I was a child . Then they asked me to manipulate those soldiers' minds , to become a killing machine . Jaeyun was there too , you know ? He was their best soldier , and the only one who cares about me . When he's not being manipulated , Jaeyun would take me out on a walk around the facility , even taught me how to find and use all of their weapons . He told me that he would set me free , even if it means death to him . Well , look at me now . " she cried .

" What happened ? " asked Heeseung

" That day , when Jaeyun went for his mission here , he wasn't alone . I was right across the building . "

" Do you mean to say-- "

" Yes , I saw you . I saw you entering the room before he did , but I didn't do anything about it . I had the feeling that you can save Jaeyun , and you did ! At the hospital , when he woke up , I was one of the nurses in disguise . Wasn't trying to do anything bad of course , I was there to see if he can still be under my power's influence . Thank god , he couldn't . You saved him , Lee Heeseung . "

Heeseung's eyes were brimming with tears , realising what she did for Jaeyun .

Realising that something must've happened to her for losing sight of Jaeyun .

" What about you ? What happened to you ? "

Subin chuckled .

" I was tortured for losing Jaeyun . I didn't lose him , of course . Always have known where he was , but I kept my mouth shut . They put me on electric chair , hell , even drowned me in the water but I survived . Every time . Eventually , they managed to use their brain and found him . "

" How long -- "

" Jaeyun was 14 when you saved him , you do the math . "

The curse happened 2 years ago , which means .......

" Oh , no ...... Subin .... No ..... No ... " he hugs her tight .

" 8 years . I was tortured for 8 years . "

" I'm sorry . I'm so sorry . "

It wasn't even his fault and yet , he's apologizing .

" It wasn't your power , Heeseung . "

" What ? "

" The wall didn't collapsed on Jaeyun because of you . "

Heeseung pulled away from the hug .

" What do you mean ? "

Silence .

" Subin! "

No way ........

" It was me "

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