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“ You move an inch , and I'll blast his head off . ”

Jaeyun had held Heeseung captive in his arm with a gun pointing on his head .

“ Yeah , go do that and you'll see me cutting my wrist open . ”

Subin , on the other hand , took a dagger away from Jaeyun and threatened to slit her wrist if Jaeyun ever pulls the trigger

“ Subin , put that down . You'll hurt yourself . Please , put that thing down . ” begged Heeseung .

“ You hear that , lover girl ? He told you to put that shit down . ”

She could , but the 'S' in 'Subin' stands for stubborn . She started to cut her wrist open , growling in pain while bloods were dripping down to the floor . You could hear Heeseung's voice yelling but it sounding so fade in Subin's ears .

“ Subin, stop!  Please!  Jaeyun, stop her ! I'm begging you . ”

Heeseung kneeled on the floor , putting both hands together and brushing them as a sign of "begging" . He's desperate .

Jaeyun scoffed .

“ You're trying to get that thing out , aren't you ? ”

“ What if I am ? You can't stop me . ”

Heeseung looked up to Jaeyun , trying to understand what they meant by 'that thing' , but then he remembered . Subin once told them about the chip planted in her , that's the reason she could be traced in the first place .

“ That chip is in her wrist ? ”

Jaeyun clapped .

“ Clever Heeseung . I did that , by the way . She would die trying to get it out . ”

Heeseung's eyes widened in horror . He's scared of losing Subin , just the thought of it terrifies him . She's willing to go that far to set them both free , but in a way where she wouldn't survive .

“ Subin ? Subin . Hey , look at me . ” called Heeseung , slowly getting up to approach her .

Subin lifted her eyes up from her wrist , staring into Heeseung's eyes with great fear .

“ It's okay . You don't have to do this . ”

Subin laughed , but already crying from both the pain and heartbreak .

“ You don't understand , Heeseung . If I don't get this out , I'll have to live my life getting tracked by them . I could never be free . ”

“ Subin— ”

“ I'm sorry . ”

“ Subin , no — ”

She waited for more pain to come , but she couldn't feel anything . Subin opened her eyes , only to see herself stabbing Heeseung on the stomach .

More to Heeseung trying to take the dagger away but stabbed himself .

Even Jaeyun was shocked to see Heeseung sacrificing himself to save Subin. 

“ H-Heeseung ? No...... No ! ”

Heeseung fell to the ground after pulling the dagger out , blood gushing out of his stomach . Subin dropped on her knees right beside him , trembling in fear .

“ I told you not to . ” said Heeseung while huffing in pain .

Jaeyun had his brows furrowed , remembering something about Heeseung .

“ He can't die . ” he reminded himself , which was clear enough for the two to hear .

“ He could . ”

Their attention turned to the door , where Yeonjun was standing along with two familiar figures .

Heeseung's familiar figures .

One of them ran to Heeseung , trying to stop his blood from gushing out even more .

“ He's going to die , son . ”

It has been so long since Jaeyun last saw him .

Heeseung's father .

“ You told me that he's not going to die ! ” screamed Jaeyun .

Killing Heeseung really wasn't his plan . He just wanted to take Subin away and continue his journey .

“ He is now . ”

Subin slowly rose up from the ground , approaching Heeseung's father . “ What do you mean by he's going to die ? ”

He sighed .

“ I didn't cursed him for killing Jaeyun , young lady . It was an excuse so that he could live a normal life . ”

Subin was so angry to hear such thing , grabbing his father by the collar with Heeseung's blood on her hands .

“ Excuse ?! You cursed your child , let him live a miserable life and said that it was an excuse ?! ” she screamed .

Jaeyun's gun dropped to the floor , and Yeonjun hurriedly went to capture both his hands on his back .

“ He has been living his life hating to be a demigod . I cursed him , letting everyone forget who he was , so that he could live a normal life . Then he met you , young lady . I saw how humane he slowly become and his demigod side is no longer visible . He stabbed himself to save you , proving that he's no longer a demigod . He's a human now . ”

Jaeyun scoffed .

“ You're saying that she killed him ? ”

Heeseung's father shook his head .

“ She saved him . ”

“ What ? ”

He stared down to see the person his son loves .

“ The curse was to save him and you , young lady , has saved my son from becoming the monster I've created . ”

The guy who was kneeling down by Heeseung's side shook his head , thinking that his father is completely out of his mind for cursing his brother .

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