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Subin stood there , guarding Heeseung per Sunghoon's command . It was just them in silence , not knowing what to say or what to do . If you were to ask Heeseung , he does have tons of question to ask , starting with ‘ Are you okay ? ’ .

He's afraid . Not because he's going to be killed , but by the fact that he's going to lose Subin in such way . In a way where she has no idea who he is .

“ Stop staring at me , will you ? ”

She finally speaks.

“ How can I ? When you're so gorgeous . The most beautiful human being I've ever seen . ”

Subin lowered down her gaze , just to see Heeseung staring at her lovingly . He looked very familiar to her , but she couldn't recall where they met or if they've ever even seen each other .

“ You left me for a day and turned into the bad guy , huh ? How can I ever leave you being so fragile ? ” Heeseung muttered the last part softly.

Subin felt her chest tightened and tears were pooling in her eyes . What he said was simple , but somehow made her weak .

Heeseung saw it , her blue orbs flickered , trying to change into her usual hazel ones that he loved . She still loves him , deep down inside , hidden somewhere behind her manipulated mind .

“ I don't know who you are , but you have to stop talking . ”

“ Why ? Are you afraid of something ? ”

“ No , shut the fuck up . ”

“ Subin—— ”

“ SHUT UP ! ”

She finally blew up .

“ I don't know who you are and I don't want to fucking know . I'm here to kill you , and you're basically surrendering to die . I don't understand why they want to kill someone useless like you , but thank god they're telling me to do it . You're just a trash who gets in the way . So if you please , just shut the fuck up and wait for me to kill you ! ”

Wether it's the real Subin or not , those words hurted his feelings . SHE hurted his feelings .

Sunghoon witnessed everything from the small glass window . He saw how Subin was taken aback by her own words and her eyes widened in shock . He saw the hurt written on Heeseung's face too , how his whole body sunk when he heard those words coming out of her .

There's something inside Sunghoon that has been wishing for Subin to remember who Heeseung was in her life .

She shouldn't be like that , and Heeseung shouldn't encounter Subin being a heartless monster .

He's blaming himself .

Heeseung dropped his gaze to the ground , trying to prevent himself from crying and feeling dissapointed .

“ I should've minded my own business when we first met . ” Heeseung whispered to himself .

But Subin heard that .

Subin's stomach felt like it's dropping and something overwhelming on her chest , that somehow led her into hearing things .

It's okay . You can cry ”

“ cry all you want . I'll be here ”

“ I'm here ”

“ I won't leave you ”

“ You can kiss me , Subin . As much as you want . ”

“ I won't go anywhere . ”

Saving Heeseung || Enhypen's HeeseungWhere stories live. Discover now