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Yeonjun woke up to see the sight of Heeseung and Subin together cuddling on the couch , sleeping on a sitting position .

“ They're cuddling while I knocked my ass out ? I should just marry this two off . ”

Yeonjun clears his throat , loud enough for the two to jump from their position . Heeseung's first instinct was to look at Subin , cupping her face softly , to see if she's in any type discomfort .

Yeonjun clearly has no will to witness the two .

“ I'm fine , thank you for asking by the way . ” sassed Yeonjun .

Heeseung and Subin look at each other , giggling over Yeonjun being sassy as always . Subin got herself up towards Yeonjun , hugging him tightly .

“ I'm glad you're okay . ”

“ How long have I been out ? ”

“ 5 hours . Heeseung and I even skipped dinner to look after you . ”

“ What are you waiting for then ? Let's cook . Escort me , would you ? ”

Oh , how Subin just wish to knock his ass out again .

“ I'll help him . You should take a shower , Subin . ” Heeseung puts his palm on Subin's cheek , brushing it slowly with the thumb .

Subin went for a hot shower while the two were busy prepping dinner ( or supper ) . Staring at the blank marbled wall , Subin can't help but to be reminded of her past .

Thousands of men , women , even children , died because of her .

She was in that room , a room consisted nothing but blank sound proof walls . An electric choker was wrapped around her neck , surveillance cameras everywhere .

She had nothing in her mind while being trapped in that room . She did was what told , to go and be experimented whenever they need or told her to .

Call her crazy , because she is .

Sitting in that chair , in that basement , thinking when can she end it all .

Her loud screams were ringing in her ears , along with screams of those who begged to live .

“ You will forever be a monster , Choi Subin . ”

“ You don't belong in the society . ”

“ Nobody loves you ! ”

“ You are a murderer , Choi Subin . A murderer ! ”

“ Do you think you can get out of this , Choi Subin ? ”

“ Changing who you are , won't change who you were . ”

Subin started shaking violently , as her screams no longer can be hold . It wasn't the scream of someone who had lost someting .

It was the scream of pain .

Regrets .

Torture .

Longing .

Hating thyself .

Downstairs , Heeseung was holding Yeonjun back by the collar , knowing that Subin needed that scream .

No , Subin hasn't said a word about what she had told Heeseung earlier .

He knows when to not cross boundaries .

The scent of jasmine , telling them that Subin is coming down . It takes a lot for Yeonjun to act normal when they both just heard her screaming .

“ You don't mind me wearing your clothes , don't you ? ”

“ No , not at all . You look good in my clothes . A little big , but it'll do . ”

Again , Yeonjun should just marry them off .

“ I'm not here to watch your little romance . The food is getting cold , eat . ”

For some reason , they feel like family .

Subin helped with the dishes after dinner , as Yeonjun went for a stroll outside .

It was safe of course . Subin made sure of that .

Heeseung is in his room , staring at the blood stains from Subin's wounds . She had risked her life to save Hueningkai and Juhee , keeping them hidden .

He doesn't know what had happened to her on her way back , but from the look of those wounds , she was trying her best to fight .

Not the soldiers .

Maybe herself .

“ Heeseung ? ”

That soft , soft voice . That voice called his name earlier , even while she's pain , it was soft .

“ Do you mind if I come in ? ”

“ Is that why you only stood by the door frame earlier ? ” laughed Heeseung .

“ It was rude to just barge into someone's room . ”

Yet , she scared the shit out of him yesterday .

“ Come in , Subin . ”

She was cautious , but still took her steps in .

He welcomes her with a warm hug , putting his head on hers .

“ Heeseung . ”

“ Hmm ? ”

“ My wounds are bleeding again . ”

“ Oops!  Sorry . ”

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