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“ How do we get in there ? There are soldiers everywhere , Heeseung . ”

“ I'm going to distract them . Once you saw me running , you get a hold of the hostages , set them free and run  . ”

“ What about you ? I can't leave you here to die !? ”

“ That's the problem , I can't die . ”

Heeseung jumped over the fence , attracting the soldiers as they all pointed their guns toward him . Heeseung smiled , running away as the guards were after him .

That's Yeonjun's cue to jump over the fence as well . The first person he saw was Beomgyu , a regular customer of his cafe .

“ Hi . ” he greeted .

“ Yeonjun ? What are you doing here ?! Run before they could catch you ! ”

“ I would if I could , but now that I'm in this mess , might as well die saving all of you . ” he said while cutting the rope with a knife . “ Now , go . Set the others free , but quick . We don't have that much time . ” he gave Beomgyu another knife to be used .

Heeseung , on the other side , was struggling with the soldiers . They kept on firing their shots toward him , leaving Heeseung with no chance to even use his guns .

“ Oh well , time to use the old way . ” he mumbled to himself before throwing the shield like a frisbee .

They started attacking him , throwing punches and even aimed for his legs . It has been so long , too long for Heeseung . He hasn't been in a fight for 2 years , and it's very exciting for him .

One of soldiers got him in a chokehold , but Heeseung was quick to twist his hand and kicked him as far as he could .

“ Yeonjun ! Are you done ?! ” he yelled.

“ I'm trying my best ! Just take your goddamn time—— Oh ? Hi , Lea ! ”

More soldiers came in with weapons , making Heeseung sigh . He marched forward , handling them in one go with the help of his frissbee-like shield .

“ Heeseung , I'm done ! ”

“ Great ! Now , run ! ”

Heeseung watched Yeonjun leaving the place as more soldiers running to his spot . “ Oh , come on ! How many soldiers do you guy even have ?! ”

“ More than you can fight . ” said a voice between the soldiers .

He stepped forward , showing himself to Heeseung with a very calm and steady posture . A grey-haired man , looking as cold as ice .

“ You must be PSH . ”

“ It's Park Sunghoon , and yes , I am . ”

Heeseung tried to attack him but his shield suddenly flew away from his hand and his chest tightened for no reason .

“ I wouldn't move that much if I were you . ” warned Sunghoon .

There she was , Subin . Floating in the air with blue flames around her . Heeseung knew something wasn't right with her , because Subin doesn't float .

“ Subin ? ” he called .

Subin tilted her head , staring into Heeseung's eyes and before he knew , memories were flashed in his mind . Everything from his childhood , until 2 years ago .

“ Subin , stop ! ” he yelled .

She did nothing but smiled , feeling some sort of achievement for making him feel the pain .

Heeseung kneeled to the ground , covering his ears from those voices in his head . His eyes turned to Subin , panting as his chest felt so heavy from the weights of his past . He could've attacked her , Heeseung really could .

But it's Subin .

Wether she's concious or not , he won't hurt her .

“ That's enough , Subin . ”

She stopped over Sunghoon's order .

Heeseung was dragged into a dark room , thrown there with the guard being Sunghoon and Subin . He has no intention to move , or to attack any of them because if he does , Subin might get hurt .

“ You know being here might get you killed , right ? She can kill you if you don't do shit ” said Sunghoon whilst taking a seat on the floor infront of Heeseung .

“ I'm not going to kill her . Maybe you , but not her . ”

They both turned to look at Subin , who has no reaction at all . Her orbs stayed blue , but the flames weren't there anymore .

Sunghoon sighed .

“ She's not going to remember you . ”

“ What do you mean ? ”

“ I had her memories erased . ”

Heeseung was about to attack on Sunghoon but Subin was fast to form a sword and pointed it to Heeseung's throat , with no sign of sympathy at all .

“ You move , she'll kill you . ”

Sunghoon gestured Subin to drop the sword , as he was just trying to have a normal conversation with Heeseung .

“ Lee Heeseung , if you choose to walk away right now , she won't harm you . We won't harm you . ”

Heeseung laughed .

“ I won't , even if she slits my throat with that sword . She's mine , Sunghoon . I don't leave what's mine behind . ”

Saving Heeseung || Enhypen's HeeseungWhere stories live. Discover now