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“ So , you're related to Ares ? ”

“ He's my dad . ”

“ That's so damn cool ! ”

“ Yeah ? Wait until he puts a curse on you . ”

“ Well , we all have some goddamn parents issue . ”

They rumbled through Subin's house to find any possible weapon for them.  It wasn't shocking that she did , Heeseung found them in various places . Even under her pillows .

And the refrigerator .

And under some paintings .

And under the couch .

“ This kid has some severe PTSD and some trust issu——oh hey ! I found a M1911 gun .....and it has blood on it . She's crazy , I can assure you that . ”

“ Yeah , but she's my crazy . ”

Yeonjun rolled his eyes , pointing the gun towards Heeseung in a very sassy way to show that he's had enough of Heeseung being heads over heels for his sister , in which Heeseung answered by telling Yeonjun that he can't hold guns that way .

Rummaging through boxes , Heeseung found more knives and an album . An album of her being under HYBE to be more specific , and Heeseung wasn't being fond of the album .

It was pictures of her , with another man .

“ Oohh . Jealousy . ” Yeonjun whispered quietly , leaving the room with lots of weapon in his hand .

Heeseung took his time to flip through the pictures , not feeling happy about it , but so did Subin in them . She looked so terrified and scared of the man . He's sure that those were taken before she escaped and they looked the same age.

“ Hey , Yeonjun ?! ”

“ Yeah?! ” he answered Heeseung's call from the living room .

“ How old is your sister ?! ”

Dead silence .

“ Are you seriously counting with your fingers ?! ”

“ I can't do math that quick ! But she's 20 something this year !  How old are you man ?!”

“ 2500 ! ”

The sound of Yeonjun's footsteps could be heard running into the room with , obviously , a knife in his hand .

“ Dude ! You're a fossil ! I can't let my sister date an old man , that's pedophilia . ”

Heeseung sighed .

“ Dude , I'm 25 in human years and I'm not dating your sister , yet . ”

“ Well , I heard 'yet' . You better ask her out before we die . ”

The two left Subin's house right after they got what they need , on their way to save Subin , and maybe save the whole town at once .

If you were to tell Heeseung that someone invaded their town moments ago , he wouldn't even move an inch to save it . The war from 2 years ago wasn't supposed to be a part of his life , but they were after Jake . So he had to use all his might saving him , saving the people .

They weren't grateful .

After knowing that Jake died , they blamed it all on him . They called him a murderer .That's why he's not sad for being forgotten .

The people there don't deserve him .

Then came Subin ,  the one who made him feel things . It wasn't shown but Heeseung had always been stealing glances whenever she's around .

She's clumsy most of the time , but overall , a wonderful person . She's so selfless , and accept people for who they really are , making Heeseung so fond of her .

She's the one , the one that made him realised that he can do better , and it's okay to show your true colors . He was hiding and running from who he was , but Subin embraced that , and she made him embrace it .

Though Subin knew about him being a Demigod , she looked past that fact , because in her eyes , he's just Lee Heeseung . A barista , a co-worker , a friend , and the person she would use all of her to protect .

He would do the same .

He never wished for the world , he just wanted a world of his own , and that's Choi Subin ( previously a Kang ) .

He couldn't really remember how and when it all started , but he won't stand down . He won't hide anymore , and he won't let Subin got more fucked up in the head .

She's his .

And Heeseung hated sharing the most .

He's going to save what belongs to him .

Saving Heeseung || Enhypen's HeeseungWhere stories live. Discover now