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“ She fainted , sir ”

Sunghoon huffed.

“ Being with that guy made her weak . Lock her up in the lab . Make sure that she can't use even a bit of her power . ” he commanded before walking away .

“ But sir , why should we do that ? Isn't she the key for us to overpower the world ? ”

That question made Sunghoon halted on his steps , standing still for a while . He turned around to see the face of the soldier who had asked him of why they shouldn't let Subin take a hold of her power .

“ Because Ni-Ki , if we didn't manage to actually erase her memories , you better dig for your own grave . That person right there ? You don't know what she could do and what we've seen so far even while she was still held captive under HYBE wasn't her full potential . She's crazy , I can assure you that . ” said Sunghoon before walking away , leaving Ni-ki in disbelief .

“ You guys heard the boss ! Bring her to the lab . Make sure she can't use her power , put more people on guards ! ”

Sunghoon walked through the hall where everyone was kept hostage , most giving him glares of hatred , disgust , fear and eve lonely . He has been seeing that for years , people despising him for what he did .

He spotted Hueningkai in the crowds , pushing everyone out of the way just to get to him . Hueningkai saw him coming , getting a hold of Juhee who was sitting by his side . Sunghoon crouched down to Hueningkai's level as Hueningkai gave him a threatening look while Juhee squeezed her hands on his arm , scooting closer .

Sunghoon's eyes landed on Juhee , who was trying to hide from him .

“ Don't you dare touch her . ” threatened Hueningkai .

Sunghoon squinted his eyes , giving Hueningkai a side glare before standing up and called one of the soldiers over .

“ Put them with his sisters . Their names are Lea and Bahiyyih , they should be around the base camp . ” he commanded .

Sunghoon gave them one last look before leaving the ground .

“ Why are you being nice to us ?! ” asked Hueningkai with a slight louder voice .

Sunghoon kept his face stoned , not stopping to answer Hueningkai's question .

He was just trying not to break himself .

Sunghoon went to the lab , where Subin was kept unconcious . He didn't go anywhere near her , watching her from the small window outside was enough . He has his arms crossed , leaning against the wall while ‘supervising’ Subin .

You are who you truly are when you're alone .

That's true , because we're currently looking at Sunghoon's true form . The quiet Sunghoon , the sentimental Sunghoon , and the kind Sunghoon . He was misguided , for sure , but he was never bad .

He was seen as the crazy one , as the cruel one but never the private side him .

Sunghoon smiled a painful smile , remembering the first time he saw Subin for their mission . She had her pokerface on , wearing a white night gown as she was dragged from the basement for the mission . She looked so miserable , and scared . They were told to be a pair and Sunghoon couldn't feel anything but sorry for Subin .

She gave him the most judgemental and disgusting look when they were first told .

He's not blaming her , he would never blame her . He's disgusted by himself too .

The day when they brought her back to HYBE's base , Sunghoon wanted nothing but to take her away from those people . She was tortured , experimented again and again . Her screams still ringing his ears every now and then .

He visited her once in the white room , the walls were covered blood . So was Subin . She kept on twitching and shuddering while staring blankly at the walls .

“ Choi Subin ? ” he called

She stopped , turning her head towards Sunghoon's direction . She laughed , a maniacal one before breaking down with a very loud scream that had formed a big wave of energy and sent Sunghoon flying out of the room .

They had her electrocuted right after .

HYBE ruined her life , as well as her well-being but she's turning into her old self after escaping .

Sunghoon can't let that happen , because that made her weak . She can't be weak , not when he knew what's coming after her .

Who's coming after her .

“ Sir , the boss is looking for you . ” told one of the guards .

Sunghoon nodded , leaving the place to whom he was called . He went to the monitoring room , there stood a man before him with blonde hair with his back facing him .

Sunghoon straightened his posture , placing hands on the back before calling the name .

“ Jaeyun . ”

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