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The town is a mess .

Shops were blown , streets were empty and Subin could clearly see HYBE soldiers on guards everywhere . It was surprising that she made it to her apartment unit .

All those hardships she went through just to get there , avoiding the streets and those soldiers ( maybe knocking one or two out ) , when she can use teleportation .

Classic Subin . Always forgetting her abilities .

It's dangerous to be in town , obviously , but she no longer can face Heeseung after telling him about Jaeyun's death .



Anger .

Sadness .

All were shown on his face .

He didn't utter a word , but enough for Subin to understand .

He has been living under survivor's guilt and now finding out that it wasn't even his fault to begin with . People's memories of him were erased because of her . His own team threw him under the bus also because of her .

It was her fault .

Even the situation right now .

All she wanted was to be free , seems like the world loves it when she's on the leash .

Subin pushes her book shelf away , revealing a door behind it . She makes sure that no one is spying on her before entering the pin numbers .

“ Subin ! ” Juhee exclaimed , getting up from her seat to bring her in .

Subin might or might not been injured again .

“ Are you okay ? What happened ? Where is Yeonjun and Heeseung ? ”

“ It's only me for now . I'm glad that the two of you are safe . ”

Subin had them hidden in that secret room , keeping them safe as HYBE might use the two to lure her in .

Hueningkai sits on the floor , helping Subin to clean her wounds on the leg . There were cuts here and there , but there's a hug one on her thigh .

He understands that the smaller cuts might be from the woods , but there's no way it would cut something big and deep like this .

“ She's struggling to save us and her own life ....... ”

Hueningkai noticed that there are red stains on her shirt . It might from the soldiers , but those stains were obviously from underneath. 

“ There are wounds under those shirts too , isn't it ? ” asked Hueningkai .

Subin's mouth left hanging , in awe of how Hueningkai could see what even Heeseung can't . She couldn't bring herself to tell Heeseung about it . It was more than enough for him to see her wounded face and that big cut on her forehead .

Hueningkai sighed at the sight of Subin's stomach .

While Juhee gasped in utter shock .

Subin was stabbed , no doubt , but it was more to a dagger or knife being dragged across than just stabbing , leaving a big bloody scar on it .

Oh , and she was stabbed more than once .

“ They did this to you ? Where the fuck was Heeseung ? He didn't help you ?  ”

“ It was my fault , Kamal . Heeseung knows nothing about this . ”

“ But still ! You were stabbed more than once ! You could be dead ———no , you should be dead . Does your power not include a healing package ? ”

“ Juhee , her powers came from a lab , not games . They don't come in packages . ”

Her powers actually came from toxic & chemical wastes , but whatever floats Juhee's boat .

“ Listen , the two of you . There are chances that this might be the last time I check on you guys , so always be careful . If you guys hear something suspicious outside , kill the electricity or just brutally ruin the password box . Kamal , it's your duty to protect Juhee . Do you understand ? ”

“ Yes . ”

“ I'm sorry that you guys can't get out of here , but this is the safest place for now . I'll do anything to protect you two from danger . ”

“ But ...... You'll live , right ? ”

How to tell two teenagers that she might also lose her life in a good way possible ?

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