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" I want to kill myself . " Subin murmured under her breath .

She had to climb up a tree just to spy on the soldiers . If only she could freely use her power without getting tracked .

" What the fuck are you even doing , Choi Subin ? You're alone in this field and you're climbing trees . " she's so done with herself .

Subin waited for the soldiers to leave their station , it was a 2 hours long wait and she could no longer feel her legs . From up there , she could see those who were captured and they're not looking good at all .

" Oh , no . Lea and Bahiyyih ...... "

Why didn't Hueningkai tell her ? They have his sisters .

" It's okay . You can do this , Choi Subin . You got stabbed more than once , you even survived those stupid soldiers back then . You got this ! "

Convincing herself when she's not even convinced that she could climb down the tree .

" No , you can't . "

Subin gasped , looking down the tree to see Heeseung with concern in his eyes and Yeonjun with his arms folded .

" Your legs are cramped and you're stucked up there , aren't you ? "

Yeonjun , apparently , knows everything .

" Can you help me down ? "

" Me ? No . I can't climb trees , Kang . Maybe Heeseung ca--wait where's Heeseung ? Oh . He's already climbing , don't worry ! "

Just as Yeonjun said , Heeseung was climbing the tree to help Subin . How fascinating it is for Yeonjun to see a demigod and HYBE's lab rat on a freaking tree .

What a scene indeed .

" Are you okay ? "

" No . I can't feel my legs . " cried Subin .

" I'm going to hold you into my arms , are you okay with that ? "

Subin nodded her head as Heeseung's arm sneaked their ways on her waist . Subin wrapped her arms aroung his neck , burrying her face intk his chest as she could smell the scent of Heeseung's Porsche Design's perfume .

His scent calms her down .

The jump was quick , but it was definitely hurtful as Heeseung's whole body fell to the ground while having Subin in his embrace .

" Lee Heeseung , are you crazy ?! " shouted Yeonjun , who was in deep shock after Heeseung just jumped with literally zero hesitation .

He can't feel pain anyway .

" Hey , hey . Are you alright ? Are you hurt ? Let me look at you . "

She's not moving .

" Hee ? Are you bleeding ? " asked Yeonjun .

" No , I'm not . Why--- oh shit ..... Yeonjun , we need to go back ! "

" Shit ! She's bleeding ?! That much ?! Is she on her period or something ? "

" We can't go back to my house . She could be dead before we could even treat her . Do you know where she lives ? "

" No , but my apartment is nearby . "

Heeseung carried her to Yeonjun's apartment , it was only 2 blocks away from the tree that Subin had climbed . They're somehow lucky for not running into any soldiers on their way .

" Are we using stairs ? "

" Yes . "

" Fucking hell ! "

" Mind you that I'm the one carrying Subin ! "

Thank god that his unit was in the 2nd floor , or else Yeonjun would've gone rampage . They were about to enter when Yeonjun suddenly said that he doesm't have his keys with him .

Heeseung wasn't in the mood to deal with the bullshit and just kicked the door open .

" Subin ? Kang Subin ? Can you hear me ? Oh my god , she's bleeding so much . Yeonjun ! "

" I'm coming ! " Yeonjun answered , coming back to the living room with a first-aid kit.

Heeseung had her laying down on the sofa , caressing her hair slowly while Yeonjun is trying his best to clean her wounds .

" Geez , Subin ! What on earth happened to you ?! " Yeonjun was more than surprised to see those deep cuts .

It took Yeonjun an hour or so to treat those cuts , and now he's the one covered with blood .

" Be grateful that I used to be a nurse . She would be out of blood if I wasn't . Those wounds were infected by the way . " sassed Yeonjun as he went to wash his hands , and probably fix the door.

The once pale-looking Subin looks calmer after being treated , currently sleeping after battling with the pain . Heeseung remain seated by her side , gently caressing her tear-dried cheek.

" Who did this to you ? " he mumbled softly .

Heeseung planted a soft kiss on her temples , kissing the top on her head too .

Yeonjun saw that and smiled .

" He really loves her , doesn't he ? "

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