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( Heeseung's POV )

“ Are you guys together yet ? ”

“ What are you talking about ? ”

We didn't talk much about last night , and Yeonjun kept pestering us about our current status . I don't want Subin to be uncomfortable with any sudden changes , and I respect her decisions in whatever she chooses to be .

“ Heeseung , man up and ask her out ! ” whispered Yeonjun in a hushed tone .

“ I don't know if you realise this but we got a situation , Yeonjun . We're in the middle of a possible war . ”

“ A war and possibilities of us dying . Ask her out before we die . ”

I shook my head , pushing Yeonjun out of the way to where Subin was standing . She looked so nervous about something . I knew she was , she has a habit of scratching her wrist when she's nervous .

“ Are you okay ? What's wrong ? ” I asked .

“ How do I get to the base camp without being noticed ? ”

I sometimes wondered why she's not using what was give to her. 

“ Use your power ? ”

“ No , I can't . They can track me , especially if I'm close with any of the soldiers . ”

Yeonjun overheard our conversation and joined in .

“ You're saying that they got you microchipped or something ? ”

“ Yeah . They planted one in me . ”

“ That's so cool ! Can I see it ? ”

As Yeonjun was about to approach Subin , I just had to pull him away .

“ Woah ! Relax , romantic guy . I just wanted to see where they chipped it in her . ” said Yeonjun while spinning Subin around to check .

“ I'm not telling you , Yeonjun . Plus , it's inside me . If you can't see it , neither do I . ”

“ Well , I could just carve it out of your skin . I mean , I was a nurse . ”

“ No , no , Yeonjun . You're not going to carve anyone out . ” I held Subin out behind my back .

Subin popped her head from behind me , giggling at Yeonjun for not telling him the chip's whereabout. She's the cutest , isn't she ?  I swear that her smile could light up the dark , and her laugh could make others forget about their problems .

“ I have a question . Where are the other two you've saved ? ” asked Yeonjun out of curiousity .

Subin gasped , running away from us as if she just remembered something about the younger two . If anything , it's definitely something bad . I can confirm . I remember she once ran away from the cafe after remembering about not sending her rabbits to Hueningkai's house for the day .

This must be so much worse .

“ Why are we running ?! ” Yeonjun was out breath , but still able to yell at me .

Subin was ahead if us until we got to an apartment that I suppose where she lives . She ran up the stairs , leaving us behind , in short of breath .

“ She's crazy ! ”

“ She is , but she's my crazy . ”

“ I don't have time to hear your sweet words , Hee . Let's go after that goddamn maniac ! ”

Yeonjun went up first and I followed suit . We , of course , had lost the sight of Subin but we could tell where she is based on the door . She's the only one with a dull door , and it was wide opened .

“ No!!! ” we heard Subin's loud scream coming from the unit .

I ran into the unit before Yeonjun did , only to find Subin sitting defeated on the floor , eyes wide red . She was staring at a door , a broken door that has a piece of notice on it.

You could never change who you are , monster . - PSH

Subin cried , but it sounded more like shrieking . Yeonjun slides to where Subin was sitting , pulling her into his embrace . The cry sounded so devastating , even Yeonjun had to burry her head into his chest to muffle her cries .

Whoever this PSH person is , Subin must be so terrified of them .

For now , we knew one thing for sure . We had lost Hueningkai and Juhee .

And Subin blamed herself for it .

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