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( A/N : This chapter contains of what Subin saw while she was reading Heeseung's mind .)

“ Heeseung , can you help me ? ”

“ With what ? ”

“ Coffee beans stocks . I can't carry them . ”

“ Say please . ”

“ Please . ”

“ Cutely . ”

“ Please ? ”

“ You look ugly . ”


“ I'm just kidding ! You're cute . You're— no ! You're going to break your spine ! ”


“ That guy is handsome . ”

“ Who ? ”

“ The one sitting by the window . ”

“ That's Felix ...... He's gay .... ”

“ Oh— ”


“ I haven't seen Juhee for so long . Where is she ? ”

“ Why are you looking for her ? She's going to disrespect you anyway . ”

“ It's quiet without her . ”

“ That's a good thing . ”

“ Heeseung , me or Juhee ? ”

“ You . ”

“ Wow— ”

“ Juhee is a child.......That's pedophilia ”


“ Are you okay ? ”

“ Why ? ”

“ I saw you staring at the wall just now . ”

“ Oh ...... That was just me malfunctioning ..... ”

“ Are you a robot ? Do you need to reboo— ”

“ Shut the hell up ”


“ I talk to walls too , you know ? Talking to a statue is not that special . ”

“ Well , I don't shake violently while talking to it . ”

“ Heeseung , I'm being nice . ”

“ Sorry ..... ”

“ ........... ”

“ But still— ”

“ Oh my fucking god ..... ”


“ Can I marry you ? ”

“ Out of nowhere?! ”


“ Hot water again , huh ? ”

“ You were distracting me ! ”

By what ? Being handsome ? ”

“ ......... ”



“ Do you have a girlfriend ? ”

“ No . ”

“ Why don't you have one ? I've seen so many gorgeous girls in this town . ”

“ Why should I ? The most beautiful girl in town is you . ”

“ ..........What— ”


“ Heeseung , do you think that one day we would fall for each other ? ”

“ I thought we already did ? ”

“ Smooth motherf— ”


“ When I first saw you , I thought you were Yeonjun's sister . ”

“ I am . ”

“ That's a great joke . ”

“ ..........”


“ Hee , I think I have a crush on someone but he doesn't like me back . ”

“ Who is this unlucky guy ? ”

“ ........you ? ”

“ Well , guess I have to live being unlucky for the rest of my life . ”


“ You're really brave for sleeping through work time , and I really like you for that . ”


“ Hee ! Is she sleeping again ?! ”



“ Jaeyun , it might be a little late but I think I do like the new girl .....  ”


“ I really like you , Kang Subin.  ”


“ Save Yeonjun ! Don't worry about me ! ”

What if I lose you ?


“ Fine . Go . But if I don't see you by dinner , I'll kill all of them myself . ”

I was so scared that you won't come back .


“ It wasn't you . It was me . ”

I was shocked to know , but that doesn't make me like you less .


“ Yeonjun ? Where is Subin ? ”

“ She left . ”

“ What ?! ”

I can't let you go alone. 


I can't feel my legs ”

I was so afraid to see you falling off that tree .


“ Make me yours ”

Please .


“ You're mine ”

Please say that I'm yours 


You are my mess now


I love you


I love you , Choi Subin .

“ Heeseung . My Heeseung . I remember now ”

( A/n : This part was shown through the mind reading . Some might be confused of why Subin would see such thing . That's because there's nothing in his mind other than her . He's trying to show his favorite happy moments with her , and they are all his point of view . )

( Dangg he loves her that much )

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