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“ Subin , you are out of your mind . ”

“ Why ? ”

“ You called me a demigod . ”

“ Aren't you ? ”

“ Subin , stop . ”

“ No , Heeseung . You stop . I'm just trying to have my breakfast and you keep being in denial is not helping at all . Now , eat your breakfast before I whoop your freaking ass . ”

What about yesterday ?

Heeseung ran as fast as he could , leaving the dumbfounded Subin behind when she mentioned him being a demigod .

This morning , he rang her phone , asking her out for a breakfast together . She thought that he's ready to talk to her about it , but no . He's being completely in denial .

“ You don't get it , Subin—––”

“ I get it , Heeseung . We won't talk about it if you don't want to . Just letting you know that I knew who you are . Now , finish your breakfast . We're going to work right after . ”

Everyone was supposed to forget who he is and who he was , but why didn't it work on Subin ?

“ Subin—–– ”

“ No , I'm not upset . But I expect you to make me caramel latte for the rest of my life . Also , please don't act differently . That will make me upset . ”

Heeseung laughed as Subin reassures him that things won't change between them .

He's still her best friend .

Well , co-worker for him maybe .

They met Juhee on their way to work , she was in school uniform , obviously going to school but Juhee won't be Juhee if she doesn't cause a scene .

“ You're not interested in him huh , Subin ? ” sassed Juhee .

“ Aww you called me by my name . ”

“ Isn't she supposed to speak formally to you ? ”

“ Who cares , she called me by my name now ! I'm so proud of you , Nam Juhee . ” said Subin , ruffling Juhee's hair .

Juhee scoffed , swatting Subin's hand away just to catch up with Hueningkai , who walked pass them .

“ Huh . Just a month ago she was still heads over heels for me . ”

“ People change , dumbass . Let's get to work before Yeonjun fry our asses . ”

No one is more confused than Yeonjun when he saw the two walking into the cafe together . Just last night , someone in particular had asked for the latter's resume , calling her shady even .

But now they're laughing ..... over a man falling from his bike .....

It was a normal working day , but Yeonjun can't help but to feel amused by the two . Heeseung talks a lot today , and Subin didn't get herself in trouble with the boiling water or cookies .

“ Okay , that's enough you two . What is going on ? ”

The cafe would usually close during lunch time for an hour or so , and Yeonjun had ordered the two to tell him what's going on because they're being unusual .

“ What do you mean what's going on ? We're totally fine . ”

“ I know , that's the problem . ”

“ Yeonjun , we're fine . Promise . ”

Let's say that Yeonjun isn't fond of Subin's promises . Last time she did , Yeonjun had to use the fire distinguish.

“ They are at it again . ”

Just like yesterday , soldiers march down the streets with guns and everything .

“ Just what on earth is going on with this city ? ”

Subin's breath hitched , out of a sudden as she sensed something bad will happen .

“ Run . ”

“ What ? ”

“ Run ! ”

Just like that , the ceilings collapsed on top of them three . The whole streets went barbaric , and the people there panicked as they knew there are people in there .

“ Subin?!  Subin ! Are you okay ?! ” yelled Heeseung from beneath the collapsed ceilings .

“ Save Yeonjun ! Save Yeonjun , please ! I can take care of myself ! Save him ! ”

Heeseung pushed the heavy ceiling with his might , finding Yeonjun laying unconcious under him .

“ Hee.....seung... ”

He's still alive .

“ I got you , buddy . I got you . ”

Heeseung lifted him up , giving him a piggy-back as he saw Subin standing by the back exit , waiting for them .

“ Come on ! We can't let the soldiers get to us . ”

“ Why ? ”

Blood flowing down Subin's forehead had Heeseung worried , but she doesn't seem to be fazed by any of this .

“ Because they're not your soldiers , they're mine . ”

Saving Heeseung || Enhypen's HeeseungWhere stories live. Discover now