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Never seen a demigod being a barista ? Don't worry , Heeseung have you covered .

“ I swear to whoever fucking up there , I hate making coffee so much but yet here I am . Lee Heeseung , a demigod being a barista for a living . ”

Just another normal day for him .

“ Welcome ! How can I help you today , Juhee ? ” asked Yeonjun , Heeseung's manager. 

“ Oh , hi ! Don't mind me , I'm just here for Heeseung . ”

Yeonjun sighed , tired of Juhee going here and there for this anti-social man .

“ Juhee , if you open your eyes wide enough , you would see Hueningkai waiting for his chance . Stop chasing after this man . He's already hating on both his life and job , I wouldn't be surprised if he'd be hating you next . ”

“ I wouldn't do that , Yeonjun . ” speaks Heeseung .

Yeonjun gave him a glare before giving Juhee a piece of candy , like he always does .

“ I don't like Hueningkai , not my type . ”

“ What's your type then ? ”

“ Lee Heeseung . ”

“ I swear to fucking god ...... ”

Heeseung laughed as he's used to this. 

“ If you're here for him , might as well help me with the cookies . Someone ordered a bunch and will be picking them up in a minute . ”

“ aye aye captain!  ”

Juhee went into the station , helping Yeonjun to pack the cookies while still trying to flirt with Heeseung .Yeonjun should hire another girl in the cafe just to piss Juhee off . That would be fun .

There wasn't many customer in the afternoon , so the door bell could clearly be heard when a customer walks in .

“ Welcome to Jjun's cafe ! How can I help you today ? ” greeted Yeonjun .

The customer smiled back , with a very sweet smile that could charm everyone .

For Juhee , that's threatening .

“ Hi ! I ordered cookies through our phone call this morning . ”

“ Oh ! You must be su...so———what's your name again ? ”

“ Kang Subin . I've just moved here a week ago . Heard that this is the town's best cafe , so here I am . ” Subin answered with so much enthusiast .

Still threatening from Juhee's point of view .

“ Town's best cafe , you got it all right . We have few left to pack , would you like to order a drink while waiting ? ”

“ Yes , one caramel latte please . Extra ice . ”

“ Got'cha , Subin . ”

Subin handed her card to Yeonjun for payment . While waiting for the receipt , Subin noticed Heeseung's presence behind the coffee machine . She doesn't look like she gives a damn , but Juhee could see her eyes shifting after seeing Heeseung .

Or maybe Juhee was just paranoid .

“ Hey , lady ! I saw that ! ”

Subin was confused .

“ You saw what ? ”

“ I saw the way you look at him ! He's mine , lady . So back off ! ”

“ Juhee . ” called Heeseung sternly .

Subin laughed , finding Juhee's puppy love moment so cute .

It wouldn't last , of course . Puppy love is the shittiest feeling ever .

“ Kid , I was staring at him because he's making my coffee . ”

“ Yeah , right ! The next thing I know you'll be flirting with him ! ”

Teenagers are just wonderful , don't they ?

“ Nam Juhee , I don't flirt . It's a waste of time and men , not all but still , are a piece of shit . No offense to the two of you , you guys seem to be very nice . ”

“ How did you know my name , lady ? ”

“ If you want to go around chasing a man , please atleast change your school uniform beforehand . You'll get this man thrown into prison one day . And my name is not 'lady' , I'm Kang Subin . ”

Yeonjun , who's a feminist himself , was impressed by Subin's character . She looks cute and smiley on the outside , but would definitely kill from the inside . She has things that Juhee should learn from .

Only if Juhee wasn't that blinded by love and being stubborn .

“ Here you go , Subin . Your cookies and caramel latte . ”

“ Thank you . I'll make sure to come again . See you again , Juhee . ”

Not that he cares , but Heeseung is loving this scene of Juhee feeling threatened by Subin .

“ Bye , lady ! Don't come again ! ” yelled Juhee

Heeseung dropped his cup at the same time , making both Yeonjun and Juhee flinched .

“ Heeseung , what's wrong ? ”

“ Oh ? Nothing . ”

It wasn't nothing .

He just saw Subin's pupils turned blue .

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