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“ Hee ? Hee ! Are you okay ? ”

Heeseung seems ........ lost .

“ Lee Heeseung , are you okay ? Do you need medic or anything ? ” asked Yeonjun , clearly worried about his friend's well-being.

“ Yeonjun . ” his voice was small .

“ Yes ? What ? Do you need anything ? Tell me . ”

“ Do you have Subin's resume ? ”

Yeonjun was confused .

“ What ? ”

Curiousity didn't stop Yeonjun from giving Heeseung the woman's resume . If the resume helps him relax , then Yeonjun would do that for him .

Flipping through the paper , Heeseung could find nothing suspicious about the woman . She seems to be very normal in the resume .

Too normal for his liking .

“ Why ? What's wrong , Heeseung ? ”

“ Yeonjun , why is there no emergency contact number in her resume ? ”

“ Because she's an orphan , Heeseung . She doesn't have a family . ” answered Yeonjun .

“ What .....? ”

It was no way for her to have such normal profile . Not for Heeseung , atleast . What she had said earlier was so traumatizing for his liking , and she asked for a day off after .

It's either she's really hiding something , or Heeseung is crazy .

And he knows that he's not .

“ Yeonjun , I have to go home . See you tomorrow . ”

Heeseung left Yeonjun hanging even before he could bid Heeseung a goodbye .

For the first time in forever , Heeseung didn't stop by Jaeyun's statue to have a talk . The statue's head is gone , and he needs to know if Subin has something to do with it .

On his way home into the woods , Heeseung couldn't but notice blue fogs keeping him company .

But fogs aren't supposed to be blue , aren't they ?

Heeseung got a goosebump , feeling as if those fogs aren't the only thing following him home .

Someone else is .

“ Heeseung ! Put your hand down ! You're killing me ! ”

He was right , turned around and instantly choking Subin to death.

“ Why are you following me ? ”

“Heeseung.......please.....Let me go”

She's turning blue .

Like those fogs .

“ Count yourself lucky . ”

Subin fell to the ground , coughing so badly from the choke .

“ No , Lee Heeseung . Count YOURSELF lucky that I didn't turn those fogs into poison . ”

Heeseung didn't think much of her words , reaching out for Subin's hand to help her get up .

“ Why are you following me ? ”

“ You saw what happened this morning , Heeseung . Don't you think that you should be aware of what's coming to us ? ”

Heeseung had his eyes squinted .

Does this woman even aware of what she's saying ?

“ Yes , Heeseung . I'm very aware of what I'm saying . ”

“ What—— ”

“ I don't read minds . Your facial expressions said it all . ”

A month ago , Heeseung just knew her as Kang Subin . The woman who had just moved into town . The next day , she became his co-worker .

For that one long month , without Juhee's presence , Heeseung couldn't say that he doesn't care about Subin . There are times when he finds her staring into the wall , shaking violently for no particular reason .

There goes the reason with the boiling water. 

She saw him talking to Jaeyun's statue once . He was afraid that she might say something , or call him crazy . Instead , she took her seat by his side .

“ I talk to walls too , you know . ”

Or that one time she caught him trying to put salt into Yeonjun's coffee for annoying the shit out of him .

“ I would put bleach in that if I were you . ”

She's absolutely fun to be with , to hang out with .

Only if she's not that much of a mysterious person .

“ Are you lost in the woods or something ? ” asked Heeseung while helping Subin to dust off dirt from her jeans .

“ I was going to find you , but I got lost myself . That explains the blue flogs . ”

“ I might be color blind because fogs aren't blue . ”

Subin laughed .

“ No , they aren't ........ But not if I'm here . ”

“ What do you mean ? ”

“ Well , aren't you a demigod ? You should've known better . ”

What did she just say ?

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