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“ You love me.......He loves me......” Subin muttered under her breath , slowly letting Heeseung go .

Heeseung's eyes fluttered open upon hearing Subin's words , letting a small gasp out of his mouth . Suhin's orbs flickered before turning into her normal ones .

He teared up .

“ I love you ” he whispered , but loud enough for Subin to hear .

“ What do you see ? ” Jaeyun asked , getting impatient .

It took only Jaeyun's voice for her to tear her gaze away from Heeseung .

Sim Jaeyun .

She gave him her trust , only for him to betray her , betray Heeseung . For years , she blamed herself for killing him , Heeseung blamed himself for killing him , only for him to be alive and well . The mastermind behind all .

He was the only one who knew that she would go after Yeonjun . He tracked her , he tracked Yeonjun too .

The worst part would be him trying to get Subin to turn her back against Heeseung .

He found out the importance of Heeseung in her life .

“ Your death . ” she answered .

She's going to kill him and Sunghoon could see that Subin would not hold her anger back .

“ Subin , play nice . ” warned Sunghoon .

Warning ? More like encouraging . She could see that little proud smirk of his , but she won't let Sunghoon pass .

Afterall , he was the one who took Hueningkai and Juhee .

“ Subin , stop . You know you can't do this to me . ”

“ You made me turned my back against him , and that's enough for me to kill you . ” Subin smiled , a psychotic one.

Subin raised her arms to her waist level before tilting her head , that psychotic smile still plastered on her face . Those blue flames from earlier lit up again but this time , by herself .

Jaeyun pulled out his gun , pointing it towards Subin . He was screaming at Sunghoon , telling Sunghoon to protect him .

Sunghoon threw his guns to the ground , kicking them away before placing both his hands on his head . Jaeyun's anger risen,shooting Sunghoon on the chest .

“ No ! ” Heeseung screamed , pulling his hands apart from the handcuffs .

Sunghoon , who's currently laying on the ground , stared at him in disbelief , “ He can do that ?? He could've done that earlier.....”

Heeseung went to Sunghoon's side , trying to surpress the blood from gushing out , “ Hey , hey . It's okay . You'll be okay . ”

“ I know , I'm a super soldier . That motherfucker probably forgot that I can't die that easily . ”

Heeseung huffed , taking his hands away from his chest . “ So I screamed for nothing ? ”

“ I mean , yeah . But you cared , so thank you . Go help your girlfriend , I'm just going to lay here for a moment . I've been working my ass for him , I deserve to lay down . ”

Heeseung smiled , patting Sunghoon's shoulder before running to Subin's side while she sent Jaeyun flying across the room . Sunghoon watched the two fought from where he stayed , he could see how happy Subin was to see Heeseung .

That's when he realised that Heeseung is the one for her .

Would it be different if they've met earlier ? Would it be different if he hadn't acted like a total douchebag when they were together ? Would it be different if he just told her instead of using HYBE as an excuse ?

Would it be better if he was there for her ?

He can't change that now . He can't even imagine changing them.

Those beautiful eyes were shining with hope and love , but not for him .

For Heeseung .

His mission was to track her , watch after her , but that mission led him into a heartbreak .

They met each other , Subin and Heeseung . He wasn't a part of her plan , but now he is .

That day at the statue , it was Sunghoon who stained those blue liquids . He was hoping that Heeseung could sense danger coming towards him and leave , but he didn't .

He saw how Subin had scared the shit out of Heeseung when they first met , but that didn't stop them from being close , falling for each other .

“ Subin.....” he called .

Subin , who's currently using her power to control Jaeyun , tore her eyes away from the man .

There's no way she could hear him .

“ I love you , so much . ”

She could hear him .

The moment he said those words , Subin turned her head to his direction with her eyes widened as she lets her guards down .

“ What.......? ” she mouthed in disbelief .

Sunghoon could only smile. 

The last thing he saw was Heeseung yelling to get Subin's attention and stopping Jaeyun before he could get to him .

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