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“ Lea ! Hiyyih ! ” Subin jolted up from her deep slumber , causing Heeseung , who was sleeping on the floor , to get up as well . “ Heeseung , Heeseung , please . We have to save Lea and Hiyyih ! Please —— ”

Heeseung tried to calm her down by saying 'shush' and 'it's okay' , but clearly didn't work out on her . He pulled her into his embrace , rocking them both back and forth as he could feel Subin's rapid heartbeat .

“ You can't even treat yourself and you're saying that you want to save others ? ” said Heeseung softly .

It worked , the hugging . Subin appeared to be calmer and her shaking lessened .

“ Take a deep breath , Kang Subin . I'm here . I won't leave you . ”

She broke his trust . There's no way this man would stay with her . Subin pulled away from his embrace , looking straight into Heeseung's eyes with tears in hers .

“ You're going to leave , I know you would . The look you gave me when I told you about Jaeyun was obvious , Heeseung . I'm sorry that I had to tell you such horrible thing and I'm sorry that you blamed yourself for his death . I'm really sorry . I—– ” As much as Heeseung would love to hear how sorry sorry she is , he would rather let her know that all that matters now would be Subin being safe .

Heeseung went in for a kiss on her lips while gently holding her face . Subin's eyes widened in shock , staring at Heeseung who has his eyes open too . He waited until Subin's gaze turned soft before closing his to deepen their kiss . Subin's eyes fluttered close , letting Heeseung in control , because she might not be able to control herself .

Heeseung felt the not-so-gentle hands of Subin tugging down on his shirt . She's trying so hard to control herself , to not overdo something that could cause cracks between them if things went south .

And Heeseung didn't want such thing .

“ It's okay , it's okay . You can kiss me , Subin . As much as you want . I won't go anywhere . Make me yours , I'd love that so much . ” said Heeseung after pulling away from the kiss to comfort Subin , brushing away hairs that were covering her face .

Subin hesitated , afraid even . What if Heeseung was just joking around ? What if Heeseung was controlled by HYBE to make her guards down ? What if the person infront of her wasn't the actual Heeseung ? What if this is all just a dream ? What if it was her that manipulated Heeseung into doing this ?

Out of everyone in this world , she doesn't trust herself most . She's doubting herself , too much . She can't save the people . She can't save Hueningkai and Juhee . She can't even save herself , and now she's afraid that she can't save her loved ones .

She's somehow convinced that Heeseung was doing this to screw her more in the head .

Heeseung could sense her doubts in those beautiful teary eyes and she started to have breathing difficulties too , not until Heeseung took a hold of her hand and rested his face on the palm .

He planted a kiss on it , “ I'm real , Subin . I'm not going to do anything that you're currently doubting I would . No tricks here . You don't belong to HYBE anymore , you're mine . You're mine , Kang Subin . Trust me , I won't let go of what belongs to me . ”

That's when Subin gained her confidence and crashed their lips together again , making Heeseung fell backwards on the couch with Subin being on top of him . He was holding her by the waist as they continued to explore each other's mouths .

All this time he wanted to kiss her worries away , hug her doubts away , but he couldn't . He was so afraid that she wouldn't feel the same , afraid that his doings will be far from her consent .

Their feelings were answered tonight .

Heeseung pulled away , giving soft kisses along Subin's jaw , kissing every single part of her face and landed on her lips all over again into a soft but comforting kiss .

They stopped when they heard a loud thud , probably from Yeonjun's room . Heeseung pulled Subin to his side , making space for them to cuddle on the sofa .

“ Never doubt yourself , especially about me . I want you , and I need you . I would never change my mind and you shouldn't be doubting yourself . ” said Heeseung , pulling Subin in to let her snuggle closer .

Yeonjun was watching from a small space between his almost-closed door , scrunching his nose and ranting to himself about how it took one month and Subin almost dying all the time for Heeseung to realise that he's in love , and she's in love too .

They're both were being so oblivious for that long .

“ Love stinks ..... ” grunted Yeonjun before heading back to sleep .

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