5 - Callie's Story

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"Didn't get killed yet? Miss NYU!" Olive says walking into our shared room at the Palace Motel as I shake my head at her having just come back from working all night.

"Why would I get killed? You say this every day Olive!"

"Because you're stupid! Stupid girls get killed! Like you have any fucking business being up in here in the first fucking place. Jesus you're so stupid, you're so fucking dumb! And you AIN'T ONE OF US! Matter of fact YOU ain't shit!"

"Why? I want to make money too." I ignore Olive's berating comment, for I had no room for any of it as I slide my black heels off as my feet feel instant relief.

"How the fuck did Warbucks even let you in is my guess?  You suck his big cock real good or somethin? I know you don't suck it half as good as I DO. BUT, I don't see any other reason why he let you stay or where the hell someone found your ass. You can barely walk two steps in those shoes, looking like a ragamuffin hippie that needs her face kicked in!" Olive laughs as a Ruby and Charmaine join in, and I shrug my shoulders. "Don't she girls?"

"YUP!!" Charmaine agrees as I shake my head for these girls had been on me since I stepped foot in a here a few months ago, and I didn't get why. I was nice to them, and I even read them their horoscopes, or at least tried to,  I even cooked for them, cleaned our motel room, but they just decided they wanted to be mean and hate on me.

I mean people had always called me weird but never had I been treated so crappy in all my life. Not even my mother had been this bad and she had her moments.

Olive was the absolute worst as she acted like this room was all hers and the rest of us were just guests. She had her things all over the place and took up the entire closet leaving me to put my clothes and shoes in my small suitcase under the bed. I really didn't know what her problem was but it seemed as if she was jealous or something which I definitely never understood because she was the pretty one.

She really was and had a light skin complexion, almost like caramel, and pretty green eyes. Her long sandy colored braids, I thought were magnificent as she took great care of them and would do different hair styles every single day.

Charmaine was pale, much like me, and her shoulder length jet black hair which she dyed, really brought out her light blue clear eyes.  She was beautiful too, but I didn't understand why she continued to dye her hair so dark. I mean it did suit her but I felt she was damaging her hair really badly and me being me I would try to bring her hemp oil and show her how to apply it to the dry ends, something she flat out ignored.

Ruby was 18 like me, white, and her long red hair, which she also dyed, was gorgeous. It really was and came all the way down her back. Something she loved to do was line her eyes super dark, and I kept telling her to at least show some of her natural beauty, which she didn't seem to want to do. Her reasoning for dying her hair was incase she ran into someone she knew, she could easily pretend they were mixed up or something. I mean I got that because no one really wanted to bump into anyone you knew especially in our line of work because that could be super awkward.

The thing with Ruby was not simple though. She was super nice when no one else was around, laughing and joking with me, even listening to me play my guitar and sing along. At times we even grabbed food together and we'd talk about our lives back home. But that all went out the window once Olive or Charmaine were there. It was like she took their side against me, mocking me and I didn't understand it at all for I kept thinking we were friends? But I guess we weren't.

Either way all the girls were beautiful! But me, I was VERY boring compared to them as well as all the other girls who walked for Warbucks. My long sandy brown hair, I refused to dye for anything even if the sun brought out bits of blonde and lightened the brown even more during the summer months, went down to my waist and I'd braid several different micro-braids throughout it sometimes and even would weave in a feather or two underneath. My brown eyes were rather boring along with my pale skin, unless I tanned in the summer. I was super boring to say the least that I wondered why Warbucks let me stay as well and I didn't know how to answer Olive's rants about it.

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