61 - His Sister

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"Y dios mio!" I say as I run my fingers through my hair for I was now certainly beside myself as my little sister, Luciella, had just shown up on my doorstep out of the fucking blue. Of course, we have kept in touch all of these years for she was my little sister and I loved her to DEATH, but she had given me no indication she'd just show up. ZERO. And I wasn't prepared for it.

"Oh calm down, Julius," Luciella rolls her eyes as she gives me another hug. "You really thought you could keep me away forever, sitting up here in Abuelita's apartment writing me letters only? You're the one who always says you want us to live together anyway!"

"You could have called! And you're moving in????? Lucy!!!!" I scream now as she giggles.

"No silly. I've come to visit. Chill."

"Well, my house is a disaster! I'd have stayed my ass home and cleaned and cooked for you if I knew you were coming!! Oh my god, this place is a disaster!" I screech as I repeat myself over and over only to look over and see Callie walk by me with two ice pops, and I remember that blonde bimbo is here too LIKE ALWAYS! The last thing I wanted was for them to meet my little sister, and HELL, why in the HELL did she show up like this as I rush around and start to pick things up for this place had never been such a pig sty.

"He means it's nice to see you. I'm Lena, your brother's friend." Lena says walking up to my little sister and shaking her hand.

"Nice meeting you, Lena. You live here, too? I love your hair!" She grins as Lena smiles softly.

"Thanks! I do live here, honey. Your brother was so kind to rent me a room. Would you like anything? Something to eat or drink?" I hear Lena ask as I continue to pick things up from all over including that blonde's shoes she left under the damn kitchen table and her bag! I should really throw all that shit out, all of her shit out the window!

"Oh, I'm okay. I grabbed a hot dog from a cart around the corner before I came up." Luciella sits down on the old couch as she drops her bag beside her.

"Why did you come here so late????" I turn to look at her as she shrugs as she kicks off her shoes and swings her legs beside her.

"Late? It's only 8, Julius! I'm 18 now and I'm allowed out, ya know! Just told Papi that I was staying the night at Carol's and he said as long as I study for my Spanish test which of course, duh!" She rolls her eyes as I whirl around and place my hand on my hip.

"Listen, honey boo boo I don't want Mama and Papi after me because you are here and out at night. No way, baby! Papi hates me as it is! SO I will take you back home. I won't have him kick you out too! No way!!!!!!"

"Noooo, please. Let me stay the night! I can't take Papi right now. I need a break, okay? A literal break. You don't understand."

"A break from what? What's going on?" I ask looking worried as I take a seat on the couch with her as Lena walks in the room and hands her a glass of water.

"I'll let you two talk." She says walking off as I look back at my little sister waiting for her to spill. Hell I knew my father was a hard ass and that he was very strick much likes Franks father but now I was felling anxious about what was going on.

"I don't want to worry you. Okay?"

"I am worried!!!!!!!!!!!! What's wrong? What happened? Did Papi kick you out too? Oh my god! What is wrong with that man!!!!!" I yell as she sighs and shakes her head for I know she thinks I'm dramatic even If I was not.

"No he didn't, but he might." She sips her water.

"Can you please tell me before I faint from anticipation!! What is going on? Why would he? Where's Justin? Mama?" I begin to feel hives form on my neck now as I scratch them.

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