43 - Getting Tess

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As Tess and I ride back down to Julius' apartment, she was rather quiet. We both were really besides the sniffles I heard coming from her for I knew how bad she felt. I did and I wasn't going to reprimand her or make her feel worse especially since we were both tired and it was well past two in the morning.

I needed to be up in a few hours myself to collect the money from the girls and then hopefully stop by and see how Frank was. Things were pretty messy at this moment and I couldn't help but wonder how much Warbucks knew of what was going on. Even if he wasn't around, I knew he wasn't in the dark, and I had a feeling he was testing me.

As the cab stops in front of our apartment building I hand the money to the cabbie and a generous tip as Tess slides out and I gently grab her hand. She looked worse then she ever had and we continue to head up to the apartment in silence as I unlock the door and flick the light on.

All was quiet and I knew no one was home for Julius and Callie had gone to work and I was pretty sure that heifer had left to go be with her brother. But that wasn't on my mind right now as I see Tess plop on the couch.

"Would you like something to eat, do you want to shower, honey?" I look at her with concern as I watch her picking at her matted afro.

"Um...I...my hair is threw. I..." Walking over I kneel down in front of her and grab both of her hands as tears run down her face. She looks so thin, she looks frail as her lips are chapped and cracked and if I could make her life better I would. Sadness is all she knows it seems and that just doesn't seem fair.

"I can help. You can do a quick bath, change and eat something even if it's some dry toast or broth. I can set you up in Julius' room with the AC. I'm sure he won't mind." She rubs her face with her hand, her tired bloodshot eyes still avoiding mine.

"Warbucks gonna kill me. He gonna cut me in half."

"No, he won't, sweetheart. He doesn't know anything." I try to console her as she finally looks at me but with apprehension.

"What? How can he not know? I've been gone, Lena. Don't get yourself in trouble with that man. I told you. "

"No, he's been busy and I've been the one collecting money this week. We have been covering for you. He doesn't know." I soothe as she lets out a heavy sigh of relief. "Why don't we get you in the tub and get you some food, ok? It will be ok. I can help you wash your hair and everything." I softly smile as her eyes look into mine again and she shakes her head at me.

"Lena, why do you bother with me? Why?"

"Because you're my friend and I love and care about you, Tess. I do and I'm going to get you help." I stand and hold out my hand to her as she hesitantly takes it.

"Lena, you..."

"Shhh. Come, lets get you to the bath and we can talk later. Ok? You need rest and sleep and..."

"And I'm off my high. I need something, Lena. I need something or I'm not gonna make it thought the night. I wont. I'll probably die!" She begins to beg as I nod my head and help her get up from the sofa.

There was no way in hell I was giving her any kind of drugs, nothing as I run her bath water for her and grab a new towel from the hall linen closet. Grabbing a new toothbrush as well and some bubble bath I see her sitting on the floor in the bathroom damn near passing out as I hear a bedroom door open behind me.

Turning to look, I see Stef as she rubs her eyes sleepily, while heading to the bathroom and I quickly close it and stand in front of the door.

"Where are you going?" I ask blocking the door as I can't believe I'm faced with her ass again and I REALLY AM NOT IN THE MOOD.

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