57 - A Night in the Life

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"What in God's name am I supposed to do out here! It's hot, sticky and...and I didn't do anything wrongggg! Nothing! This is horrific, I tell you! Just horrific!!! How the hell did we get stuck with this? Oh yes, I know how! I will tell you how we got in this mess! Oh yes, how could I forget?! Someone's BIG MOUTH girlfriend!"  I hear Julius yell, vent and ramble to Callie as I light a smoke. It was no secret that he was furious for what Warbucks was making him and I do. No secret at all but I didn't think he should take it out on Callie.

"Julius, leave Callie be."

"Oh no, I won't! I told you to zip those lips to her! That bimbo blonde she is messing with our lives while she gets to live in some fancy apartment that we have to pay for!!!"

"Its not her fault! I told you that, leave her alone! And what do you mean we have to pay for it? Who said?" Callie shouts back for it was no secret how defensive she was of Frank's sister even if we all still believed she was a vindictive cunt. I couldn't stand her even more than originally for Julius was right she had really fucked me over and he was now paying the price as well as Tess. We all were really, but then again I only had myself to blame thinking I was more to Warbucks than I thought.

"It is! Even Queen has to walk!! She's not made for this! I'm not! And yes, pay for! WE DO!!!!" Julius hollers back as Callie frowns and folds her arms.

"Oh so I am? Stop being a baby, Julius and leave Stef alone because I doubt she even knows we have to pay for her apartment! I doubt she knows because if she did, she wouldn't have it! You don't know her! So chill!" Callie spits back as I shake my head, for I wasn't sure how much more of this I could take.

"Guys, can you please stop. My head is throbbing. I need me a hit." Tess dares to say as I hear Julius gasp and I roll my eyes as we all stand in front of a x-rated movie theater trying to get cover for I can feel dusty warm rain start to come down and I knew my hair was threw.

"A hit! A hit!! After we spent alllllll that time getting you clean! On no, baby you better suck on a piece of gum or your spit or something because, NO! You was a hot mess passing out on my floors and vomiting all over! We are NOT doing that again. No way!" Julius screeches as Tess glares hard at him.

"I said I need one! I didn't say I'd do it, Julius! Good god! Stop your screeching! We'll never make money with all of the drama spilling from your damn mouth!"

"Well, baby-love, I don't know what you mean! And I don't know how he expects us to make all this damn money. In my parlor, sure but even that would take two days! Good god, I'm just filled with so much anxiety!!" He continues to complain as Callie rolls her eyes again and pulls a pack of smokes out. She had never been much of a smoker as I see she is lighting a Lucky Strike, and I know who she picked this up from as I'm feeling more and more annoyed by the minute.

"Cal, come stand with me because Julius is rattling my nerves, and I can't take it anymore. Obviously, he's deaf because I already done told him to chill!" Tess says as she and Callie walk off leaving me alone with Julius as I watch them both chat knowing they felt betrayed by me.  Big time, as I feel Julius take my hand, and I puff my smoke looking at him.

"Lena, are you okay??? You haven't said much all day, baby. I'm not mad at you, you know!"

"I know, hun. I'm okay, gotta do what needs to be done." I shrug as I continue to puff my smoke.

"Listen, I know I told you to be careful and stuff but...welll, but you did your best. And you still do! I wouldn't know how to handle shit and he's just on a fucking power trip. He really is, you know. He thinks he's god or something, and I know you tried." He whispers as I softly smile at him not wanting to talk about this. "He knows we can't pay for HER apartment which she's NEVER in anyway since she's always over my damn place. He knows that and that we can't make up for Frankie's wages. I should start charging her ass rent since she comes in there and eats all our food, uses all our hot water and leaves her panties in the middle of my kitchen for us to smell!"

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