62 - Breakfast

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"So what time do you usually go to work, Cals?" I hear Stef ask me as she throws one of my teeshirts on as I sit up a bit and realize Tess is not in her bed and it is made. I could only wonder where she went and I was hoping she didn't go out to get high. It had been a really hard weekend for her, and I had even told Stef a little bit of what happened. Of course I didn't tell her the part where Lena checked out because she already hated her to begin with and I didn't want to make things worse.

But Stef and I had a nice night last night chatting on the fire escape, smoking and she ordered me some take out. It was just really relaxing after the long two nights with Tess, and on top of it Julius' sister, Luciella was really nice and I promised to read her horoscope today.

What I noticed though was that she was super different from Julius, definitely not dramatic and I really understood her not wanting to go to a college and being forced into something she didn't want to do. It was the worst feeling ever and sometimes what made it even worse was when you had like no support.

"Oh around 10." I say surprised at her question for she had never really asked me this as she grabs my comb and runs it through her long blonde hair.

"Braid my hair, sweets. Just one is fine."

"Sure." I say as she sits on the bed in front of me and lights her smoke as the fan blows on the both of us. It was going to be another hot August day for sure and I really, really, didn't wanna go to work tonight. Like at all and I'd give anything to just hang with Stef again like last night and not have a care in the world.

"So, Stef?" Running the comb in her long hair I start to braid it gently for I knew she could be rather tender headed and it made me laugh.

"Yeah, babe?"

"You never showed me your modeling photos. The one Julius took of you. I bet you're really beautiful in them." I say awkwardly as she continues to puff her smoke.

"Nah, I look awkward in them. I kinda put them away under the bed. Forgot about them to be honest. You don't wanna see those," she laughs as I shake my head.

"I'd love to see them, Stef. I have no pictures of you." I say shyly finishing her long braid as she turns her entire body around to face me.

"Pictures of me?"

"Well yeah I mean...you know so I don't forget how you look." I feel shy now for I don't want to admit to her I miss her when she's gone for I didn't wanna seem needy and weird.

But honestly I didn't really get why I felt this way about her. I mean she was my friend who I really cared about and...and maybe I was feeling differently now. Like that I really, really liked her and just wanting a photo I could carry with me at night would mean everything to me...even if it sounds strange.

"Why would you forget how I look, love. Mm?" She puffs her smoke again but I see the softness in her face as I now get up feeling even more awkward and wishing I never said anything. Maybe I could change the subject and she wouldn't notice.

"Oh I forget people's faces sometimes." I laugh. "Do you want me to walk you to Chinatown? Cook you breakfast before you leave?"

"Cals? What's up love? Mm? Come on talk to me." She gets up and puts her smoke in the ashtray as she steps toward me and grabs my hands. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I don't wanna seem like a weirdo. I mean, I know I'm weird and all, but I feel stupid," I giggle as she shakes her head and looks into my eyes.

"Why would you be a weirdo? Come on out with it woman!" She teases making me laugh as I look back at her.

"Well, sometimes I miss you. That's all. So I just well....I told you, it's stupid." I find myself saying again as she sighs and brushes my cheek softly.

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