32 - The ER

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"What are you doing back, baby, I thought you were home for a week? I mean you just left babygirl." Julius asks me as we are both sitting in the waiting room of St. Lukes hospital while the doctors and nurses are finally taking a look at Frank after we sat here for more than three hours waiting for him to be seen.

It was rather exhausting and I was livid at Warbucks for what he had done to him. Hell, I knew what kind of man he was but this was beyond anything. It was and between this and my aunt kicking me out, I was feeling some kind of way and I was at my wits end. This is all on top of Frank's wild and out of control sister doing god knows what with Callie back at the apartment as Julius had also filled me in on that whole debacle. Plus I knew things were now weird with me and Tess and I'd somehow need to look at her.

"It didn't work out," I answer as I rub the bridge of my nose.

"How so?" He presses as I am quiet and he moves closer me. "Ohhh, Auntie found out what you do, mm?"

"No, why do you say that?" I say quietly unable to look at him.

"Oh baby, it's written all over your face and your body language. She kicked you out, huh?"

I let out a sigh as I look at the ground and feel him grab my hand. "Oh queen, it's okay. It really is. I get it more than anything," He looks at me sadly as I sniffle and look away before looking back at him.

"Not only that, Rae... forget it. Frank is more important right now. Julius, what happened? Why the hell did Warbucks do this to him? Was he short on money?"

"Mm, you really wanna know?"

"Yes. I want to know Julius." I say as he lets out a sigh and looks right back into my eyes.

"Wellllll he went and showed up at Daddys place in the middle of the day screaming at him and acting all big and tough, because well you know, for messing with his baby sis. Told him to stay away from her and well you know how that shit went."

"I know why Frank did that, I get it. He wants to protect her but....

"But he could have been killed. And as you can see, she's not really one you can tel what to do. Sooner or later she's gonna find out what we all do anyway. And I didn't meant too...

"No. You didn't do anything Julius. I know he, I figured he was with her."

"Lena Adams?" I turn as I hear my name and see a doctor come out as Julius and I jump to our feet and hurry over to him.

"That's me. Is he okay? Is Frank going to be okay?" I ask as Julius squeezes my hand for dear life.

"I am unable to give you the specifics, but know that he is in good hands. The nurse told me that he had some friends out here waiting, and she should have told you that we can't divulge what is going on medically due to our confidentially laws and everything."

"But he has no one! NO ONE! WHAT DO YOU MEAN?????" Julius now screeches as he about lunges at the doctor, and I do my best to hold him back.

"Julius, we need to go and get his sister. We need..."

"WE'RE HIS FAMILY!!!!!! WE ARE!!!!!!" He keeps on screaming as the doctor shakes his head as he pulls his mask back up over his mouth and begins to back away.

"Julius, please! We have to stop! You'll get us thrown out or worse," I hiss as the man is shaking and crying, and I don't realize that tears are now flooding down my face. I need to somehow find out what's going on, and get Stef here even if I can't stand the heifer. She needed to know, and I should have known better before we embarked on this mission without her ass.

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