101 - Penthouse Meetings Part Three

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It feels like my head is going to explode and I had thrown up nearly four times already this morning and to be honest I have no damm idea what time it is, what day, much less my own name. I am sick as a fucking dog as I walk back into the bedroom my eyes hurting, along with every single part of my body. I had ZERO if at all possible, ZERO recollection of last night. NONE, and I had no idea how I ended up naked, how much I drank, smoked or what the hell else was in my system or better yet what I had done.

But as I come out of the bathroom of Warbucks penthouse, I see Stef sitting by the window in a giant chase lounge chair like she owned the damm place, smoking a cigarette and the smell alone is making me sick.

"Hey, sleepy head. Sleep ok?" She grins as I roll my eyes and throw a towel around me covering up my naked body as Stef stares harder at me smiling again which continues to annoy me and throw me off. I didn't get it, I had no idea why in the hell she unnerved the shit out of me. It was almost as if she kept me on my heels since I never knew what the hell was gonna fly out of her rude, classless damm mouth. She also has the damm radio on which furthur drives me insane even if I usually like Diana Ross. But being this sick I didn't want to hear anything.

"You do realize I've seen you naked, right? I mean I've seen all of you, honey."

"Can you please not smoke. I feel sick enough as it is. And turn the music off. My head is ringing and spinning." I walk back over to the bed ignoring her comment as I rub my forehead and look back at her as she is still smoking and the radio is still going. "And I doubt you saw me naked. Maybe in another version of reality like the one in your head."

"HA! Really now?" She continues to smoke now smirking at me which I fucking hated. God did I ever.

"Yes, really, are you deaf? I said what I said!" I snap then suck in air as the motion of me raising my voice was making me nauseous.

"No I hear fine, honey but your memory is all jacked. But you know being you were high and all, I forgive ya. Guess miss high and mighty, stick up her ass never got high before." She digs as I narrow my eyes at her and sip the water on the table but soon realize it's vodka as I spit it out as I turn the digital clock to see it's barely 8 in the morning.

"Ya know, Laura, you were MUCH more fun when you were high off coke last night. I mean you were actually fun and didn't have that stick up your ass. And man, did you moan and scream my name like crazy. It was wild and might I add a fucking turn on. Who knew huh?"

"Excuse me?" I glare hard at her even if it hurts my head, for I sniffed coke? Was she fucking serious right now?

"You heard me. You like having your pussy licked, and well you liked licking mine." She laughs again as I glare harder at her and as I stand I instantly sit back down on the bed and hold my head as if that will spot the dizziness and nausea I was feeling.

"That did not happen! Stop! Just stop lying and do me a favor stop talking!" I cover my mouth as I close my eyes as a wave of nausea hits then passes once again.

"Oh but it did, sweetheart. Lord did it ever because unlike you I can remember alot of shit even when I'm high as fuck and let me tell you, we may have had a threesome with Michael for a bit, BUT, you and I fucked all damn night. And you loved it. You begged me to fuck you harder, begged, and I'm sure this entire building heard you scream my name. Hell, I mean it turned me on and you aren't so bad at pussy licking yourself. I'd pay to fuck you anyway if you lost that nasty stuck up attitude you walk around with." She puffs her smoke, grinning at me as I am soo damn angry. I am fucking livid as I get up despite how sick I am and look for my clothes which are nowhere to be found.

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