95 - Rehab Continues

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"I don't understand. I was supposed to get out today!" I stand in my therapist's office confused and annoyed as I had already packed my stuff including my art and designs and I had even woken up early hoping to be able to leave after breakfast.

This is the second time now that my stay had been extended by yet another week and I have a feeling that Warbucks is behind it all. I really do because it seemed strange of Stef to say she was proud of me that I decided to stay for the long haul. I didn't even fully hear what she said at the time but now, now I fully realize what she meant.

It really hadn't dawned on me until now that maybe it was Warbucks who has poisoned her mind? Or maybe he was flat out lying to her?! Of course he was lying to her! Of course he was because that's who he was. Garbage, trash and everything in me knew the reason he had me trapped in here for the last two months was so I wouldn't interfere with him getting into her pants.

But who was I kidding, I knew he had already for she was so taken by him it just...it made me so terribly sick. I was hoping my therapist is honest with me this time, I'm hoping for any little bit of honesty.

"I understand, Frank, and we heard word this morning that your beneficiary had come in a few days ago and paid for another month! Which is great because it helps, the longer you work this program! It really helps!"

"You told me yesterday that you were proud of me...believed in me that I could do it! What...what changed? You could have said no!" My heart races as I can't believe what I'm hearing, and I have a gut feeling that Warbucks paid her off too.God I hate him! God!

"I am proud Frank. I am very proud of all that you have done and how far you have come. But well, your beneficiary just wants to make sure that you are 100 percent ready to go home. He and your sister feel well, that you could use a little more time."

"But isn't it my choice? My sister?" I shake my head and get up pacing the floor back and forth.

"Yes, it is your choice, Frank, but she's worried about you too. And that lovely man Michael. He seemed very torn up about you Frank him and your sister."

I feel sick to my stomach as she keeps talking and I know he has everyone fooled. Everyone! Except well, except Julius, and Lena whom I had spoken to on the phone on a regular basis and each time I asked how Stef was doing they would say fine and quickly change topics.

"Can I at least have visitors? Can I see my friends?"

"I will check on that, Frank, that's not something we normally do except if its family." She says as I sigh and stare out the window seeing the Manhattan skyline.

This was probably the most isolated I had ever felt in my life and I missed Julius so much as well as Lena, Tess, and Callie. I missed my sister too and this wasn't what I thought would happen. I thought, well, I'd be ok and somehow keep her away from Warbucks and she could find a job and be ok and we would live together. I needed to really find out what was going on with her as I try so hard not to cry.

"Frank, you are doing well and we all want the best for you. See it as a wonderful thing." I turn back to look at her not knowing what to say for I was never one to speak up for myself. Ever and I just felt so useless right now. Very.

"So, if I leave, I'm letting everyone down," I say more as a statement than a question as I sniffle and shake my head, coming back to sit down in the chair as I hear my therapist's pen click as she sighs.

"Frank, honestly, it really is up to you. We can't keep you against your will."

I hear what she's saying to me, yet I know that I really don't have a choice. I know if I try to leave, there will be consequences and not with her or this facility. I pretty much knew my fate was sealed as she has no clue whatsoever what Warbucks is capable of as I nod my head and grab the pen.

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