69 - Change of Plans

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For   a while now I had wanted to get Stef a little something like a gift of   sorts. What, I didn't know and I had been looking around for a bit if I   was completely honest. I didn't really wanna get her anything cheap   either as I felt that was cheesy and she deserved something better then that, and I didn't want to get her clothes since we shared them,   but maybe something for her pretty, long blonde hair that I loved to   play in and she never minded one bit.

The thing was just thinking about her made me smile and I had one of her modeling photos in my purse that I loved to look at. I  liked her so much, I did, and  she made me smile and laugh like no one I  ever met in my life. She's so  super supportive of me singing and loves  to hear my new songs and  listens to anything that I play. She doesn't  know it yet, but I'm  writing a song for her and I hope she will like it  when I'm done.  But  it still needs a bit of work before I let her hear  it.

Nowadays I  laugh  sometimes when I think of the day we met which wasn't really  that too  long ago. A month maybe? And she thought I was so weird, even  telling me  that many times, but  who knew we'd even still be together  today? But  we are, and I'm feeling things for her, big time. And I know  it's love. I  know Julius and Lena think Stef is an awful person and  that she is using  me but they don't get it, and they never took the  time to understand  her. Maybe she can come off rash at first but she's  so much more then  that and I can only wonder how Frankie would feel. Hopefully he wouldn't be mad about it.

Honestly I  had never felt like I do  now for her, for anyone in my life, and I get  that I'm only 18, and  most people say I have my head in the California  clouds, but damn, I've  seen a whole lot in my young life. And if my mom  knew what I did for a  living, she'd disown me for sure...not to mention  that I was dating a  hot, sexy girl. But I loved it, I loved every minute  being with Stef and  she thanked me for letting her be her free wild self  which I had no  issue with.

I  smile to myself as I walk into a little  handmade store I had taken note  of a few days ago on 39th Street which  wasn't to far from where we meet  up for breakfast after work  as I had  seen some handmade earrings,  bracelets, necklaces and hair barrettes the  other day, and to me,  something that was one of a kind was more special  than any diamond or  gem out there. Stef would kill me if she knew I was  buying anything for  her because she kept telling me to save for  California but I needed to  get her something. I just felt it in my soul  as I spot a beautiful turquoise green barrette that felt so much like her.

"Hi there young lady, may I help you?" And older gentleman asks walking over as I smile widely at him.

"Oh yes! Um, this one here I love it."

"That   is a nice one now, isn't it. Here let me take it out so you can see."  He  says opening the door to the glass case, taking the little tray out of the glass and placing it  on  the counter. I gently touch it and smile for I can see how much it  felt like Stef. It really does. "Nice, right?"

"It is. It feels so much like her." I say softly as he nods.

"A sister?" He says as I look up and smile but shake my head.

"Oh   no, my girlfriend, well best friend...umm, she...she's so, so beautiful and so funny. She's my very best friend." I grin wider as he smiles at me. "This feel so much like   her. And she's super hard to shop for like, I've never shopped for her   so I hope she likes it."

I know I have rambled on and on, but I had to be careful mentioning that Stef was actually my girlfriend, and I hope that the way I described it showed how special she is yet didn't give me too much away. I couldn't afford to cause trouble for myself or her, for that matter.

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