49 - Two Different People

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"You really don't have to get us a place, Michael. I mean don't you have other things you need to spend your money on?" I ask as we head down West 4th Street as he smiles and shakes his head. I had never been down here as we walk past a few bakeries and a giant basketball court on the corner that has a game going on. It was hot as shit as usual as I light a smoke, and we cross the street.

"You shouldn't worry about that, pretty lady. Plus I've seen your brother's apartment. It's no place for him or you. Or that area. It's just not safe, Stef. Never was. And you were right all along. I should have been looking out for him. So, yes, this one's on me," he smiles as he winks at me and I continue to puff my smoke. He was really laying it on thick, and I can't tell if he was flirting with me or if he was really serious. His actions these last few days showed me he was serious, and I'm grateful that Frank will actually get to go to rehab.

"I don't know shit about this area, and hello! What's worse than 42nd street?" I sass as he shakes his head laughing at me as I walk closer to him. The smell of his after shave brought butterflies to my stomach, and even if it was blazing hot, I was feeling even hotter, if that was even possible.

"You may have a point but at least I know what goes on there. I must admit I don't know what goes on everywhere." He looks at me, and I wonder how much he really knows. Hell, I doubt he knows I've been fucking one of his hookers, and if he did, did he care?

"Oh noooo? I thought you did handsome." I puff my smoke as he turns to smile at me and we turn onto Bleecker Street.

"Why are the streets so much more narrower down here? I hate it. Like Boston with the cobblestones and shit. It's so much wider on 42nd." I observe as he shoves his hands in his suit pants pockets.

"It's the older part of the city, of Manhattan, that is. Cobblestones are for the horses much like down by the seaport and fish market. They have beautiful brownstones over by NYU and I come down here often. Have dinner with some of my family sometimes, mainly my uncles. There's a nice little place over there you can get loose tea and a few bakeries." He says as I look at him and smile for he really did know a good amount and I liked that about him. That he wasn't stupid, and I could tell he took great pride in this city which was now expanding even more for me.

"You love the city, huh?" I ask as he stops at a little pizza place and buys me an Italian ice which I appreciate for it's 1000 damn degrees again. "Thank you." I blush as he winks at me and continues on.

"I always have. My grandfather owned a barbershop in the Bronx and over in Chelsea. Passed it down to my uncles." He smiles as I lick my Italian ice.

"Do your uncles know what you do, Michael?"

"Not really. But, I take care of them. They are in their 80's and I don't want to give them a heart attack." He laughs as I smile and nod. I offer him some of my ice but he declines politely and we continue down the narrow block as I try to keep my balance in my platform heels that I also regretted wearing.

"Michael, I gotta be fucking honest. I don't feel right you getting us an apartment. You have your family to take care of obviously and your brother too and stuff. It's not right for us. I mean, you barely know me," I laugh awkwardly as he stops walking, and I turn to look at him.

"Sweetheart, I want to. I want to help you and Frank, it's just who I am. And like I told you, I really failed your brother big time. He should never have gotten mugged. This one's on me to fix. It really is, and honey," he takes my free hand and plays with the silver ring on my first finger. "Just...don't feel bad, got it? Don't sweat it. This one's on me, and I aim to make it right."

I nod as I listen to him, and I see the sincerity in his dark eyes as I lick my lips and smile slowly. "Just, don't think we need anything fancy. I mean, we're simple people, and I'm not high maintenance and shit," I laugh as he joins me and squeezes my hand.

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