90 - Party Mornings

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I had no fucking clue what time it was as I wake up and open my eyes realizing I'm sleeping on Tess and outside on what appears to be the roof of my apartment building. Her skin feels so damn ass soft as I feel her hands rake through my long blonde hair, and I gently kiss her stomach. But shit, did my head hurt like fuck and my stomach was turning like crazy.

"You okay, baby?" I hear her ask as I close my eyes again trying to shield them from the sun as I realize we are covered by a thin sheet. "All partied out, suga?"

"Fuck, my head, babe...fuck." I rub my head as I hear her laugh and continue to run her hands through my hair for she knew it calmed me more than anything. "Jesus, I don't remember the last time I got so fucked up like this. Fuck, what the fuck? That must have been some hard ass shit I took."

"You partied hard, baby. You remember anything?" She asks softly as I look up into her caring brown eyes that melted me.

"Mm, well I remember pushing Julius after he threw a fucking drink in my face. That I definitely fucking remember."

"What?" She asks as I rub my head and sit up a bit as I spot a glass of water and take a sip for my mouth is so fucking dry I can barely even taste my tongue. "Baby?"

"Yeah love, yeah he tossed a fucking drink in my face." Grabbing my smokes I light one as I turn my body around to face her as I offer her one and she declines.

"What did he toss a drink in your face for?" She runs her hand softly up and down my side as I look at her and puff my smoke and I can see she is partly worried if not pissed.

"He was mouthing off some shit about my brother. That it's my fault he is in rehab. Calling me a loser. You know his usual let's blame Stef for everything shit." I shrug as she stares hard at me and leans up herself. "What, love?"

"That shit's not right. It's not your fault he's in rehab. He knows that and he shouldn't have said that shit to you or tossed a drink in your face. He's not usually a violent person," she shakes her head trying to understand. "What the hell is wrong with him?"

"Who the fuck knows? He's probably pissed I banged his sister." I spit out puffing my smoke as she looks hard at me and clears her throat as I continue to stare at her seeing a look I can't seem to decipher. "What, babe?"

"You just can't help it, huh?" She laughs shaking her head as I take another puff of my smoke and run my hand up her soft chocolate thigh. "I told you, you was Zeus!"

"Maybe I can't, but who did I spend all the rest of the night with and morning? Huhhh? Tell me baby who did I? And who is my girl now? Mm?" I lean in and suck on her neck as she playfully pushes me away.

"Get away, I don't want ya!" She laughs again as I pull her onto my lap continuing to suck on her neck and nip her ear as I take in her scent for God, I wanted more of her.

"Oh like hell, you don't. YOU doooo want me." I tease as she looks right at me playing with my hair and grabbing my smoke and puffing it. "What, Tessy? Mm, what's up my girl?"

"Let's go see what shape your apartment is in, Miss Thang. And we should probably put some clothes on." She laughs as she puts the smoke out and winks at me.

"You don't need clothes. My girl doesn't need to wear shit." I graze her tit with my finger as she licks her lips and moans and I lean in and kiss her lips softly feeling her press hers on mine.

It's not a rough kiss but a rather passionate and romantic one, and I don't think anyone has kissed me in such a way before as we pull apart and she strokes my face. Tess was something else as I feel my heart racing, and I'm feeling shit I didn't know existed.

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