May 17

165 13 3


I totally forgot this diary thing.
So I don't know.

...I'm so sorry of not updating in such a long time...
Or whatever fluff shit girls write into their pink fluffy sparkly diary things.
Mine is a notebook tho, noone can convince me otherwise.
It's blue and has footballs on it. Noone would guess it's some sort of a diary shit.

So a little recap of what has happened.
I have partied a lot recently. So much of taking a break right.
But it's hard to change my habits.

And that's all I've done in two weeks.
And last two years to be exact.

And that's it if I'm being totally honest.

I tried to get my mind off the topic of me apparently liking men.

Few days ago I told Zayn about it, he was cool. He's brother is bi so Zayn supports me no matter what.

Zayn is my best friend, my partner in crime. He is one year older than I am. He's the one who drags me to parties usually.

Oh and if I start to think about it, then he might have been my first man crush, literally.
I mean, have you seen him? It's impossible not to see him.
He's hot.
No wonder both girls and boys are into him.
Here's a picture of us.

And with that I'm done for today

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And with that I'm done for today.
I try to remember this notebook thingy and try to write again tomorrow.
Sending kisses and shit.
Heard that girls like to end their entries like that.

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