August 18

82 10 1

Zayn has a girlfriend and this little shit didn't bother himself with informing me.

Four of us went for a simple walk outside. This girlfriend of Zayn, Emily was her name I guess, took a picture of us to remember that day Zayn forgave me all my bad decisions.
What a great day.

What a great day

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There we are.

We decided to have a sleepover. I hesitated at first but Zayn convinced me and said that Liam is staying over at his friends house.

 I hesitated at first but Zayn convinced me and said that Liam is staying over at his friends house

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Here we looked even better. It was nice to hang out with Zayn again. He and Niall really got along, amazing.
He told us that he's the captain of Nouis ship now.

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