June 10

119 13 2

This dog.
This fooking dog, it has to be possessed by some demon or some shit like that.
It fucking bit me.
Just went straight on my leg and almost tore my leg off.

Im never going near Liam's house again.
Fucking hell.
But that means I can't hang out with Liam and I can't visit Zayn there.

Now Liam can come to my house and we can hang out more outside of our houses, which is actually pretty cool.

I was thinking of taking Liam to the zoo the day after tomorrow.

Oh and since I'm back on track with my studies I can finally say tha I'm going finish this fooking school year, for sure.
All thanks to Liam.

One more year of living hell in this school and then I'm done with that place for good

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