September 19

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What a boring Thursday.

It fooking had to rain today. In the middle of September.

All the classes were cancelled. It was pouring so heavily that even the umbrella would break, it was that bad.

So, what did I do? Nothing. Fuck my life.

Speaking of fucking, I wonder when will me and Haz will do the deed. I want it to be very special. Just like my lovely Hazza.

In the evening I asked him if he has Skype. He said yes. And after that, we Skyped straight until we went to bed.

We even cooked our dinner while we Skyped. He had made tacos. Not my favourite, but I have to try Harry's some day.

I made lasagna. I'm not that good of a cook. This is the only dish I can make. I mean once I burnt water, so yeah.

So yeah, shitty day, except for my beloved Harold.

Woah wait Harold? I have to fucking stop with the nicknames.

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