September 27

56 9 2

Friday. Yeah Friday.

Haz is a lot better now. He forced me so bad to go to school, but I didn't. Who is going to take care of him. Because no matter how many times he says he can take care of himself, I know the moment I leave the house, he won't do shit.

Thinking of taking him out for a date tomorrow, and ask him to be officially mine. My boyfriend. Hope he likes it.

I'm nervous as hell. How was he so confident when he took me out on dates? Hell do I know.

But whatever. That diet chart is helping him nutrients and proteins. Although I was the one who had to do shit I never even knew existed.

Every night, when he falls asleep, I whisper those three magic words. I wait for him to fall asleep. I'm afraid what his reaction will be if he hears them.

He deserves the world, he is perfect.

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