September 7

67 9 2

Ugh, Sunday.

Another boring day, ALONE.

I am so fucking done with myself and my life.

Woke up at 1 in the afternoon. What an amazing start.

Went out to have some brunch. And guess what. I saw Harry on the way home.

And oh my day was lit the moment I saw him.

Holy shit. Wait wait wait. What the fuck is going on with me. I mean yeah a friend can light up your day, but I talk as if I am in a relationship with him or something.

Would I like that by the way?
Pfft. I don't know, just met him like what, a week ago.

Damn it Louis. Control yourself.

But do I want to control myself with Harry?

I don't even know what the fuck I am talking about.

But, nevertheless. My day went very well after that. Me and Harry even exchanged our numbers. Should have done that the first day I met him in the first place.

What an idiot I am.

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