September 28

62 9 4

Today, it was the day. Jesus, Harry is the best thing that ever happened to me.

Alright alright chill out, you're just a diary, I'm telling you. Chill the fuck out.

I had chosen a garden, called Zayn to see if he is willing to help me. Thank God he did help me out. Hope he knows what shit his brother did.

Anyways moving on. He helped me decorate the small garden. It was very small, very rare these kinds of gardens.

Since it was a garden, there were a lot of flowers already. I don't how the fuck, but Zayn brought 10-15 butterflies in a jar. My eyes almost popped out. Where did he even find them and get them into that jar. Told me to open the jar when I finally would have asked Harry and he would have said yes.

We spread out a lot of flower petals on the ground. In those petals too, there was a lot of variety.

Put fairy lights in the bushes. There was a swing in the middle of the garden. Two people could sit on it at a time. We decorated that too, the ropes by which the swing was hanging, we put flower garlands around them.

We did a lot of other things I don't even remember now.

When finally, it was time for us to leave, I was literally shaking. He looked B-E-A-U-T-F-U-L today. He's a beauty.

When we reached there, before entering the garden, I blindfolded him, and made sure he couldn't peek or something.


I blindfolded him and said, "Alright Hazza, we're going in." He just chuckled. When we were inside the garden, I made him sit on the swing and went behind him. I bent to his ear level and whispered, "Ready Haz?" I was so fucking nervous right now. What if he doesn't like it? Or even if he likes it, what if he doesn't want to be my boyfriend?

He replied whispering back, "Yes Lou, always." Hearing 'always' made butterflies erupt in my stomach and I smiled like an idiot. I took off his blindfold and said, "Don't open your eyes yet, wait." "Okay," he said while laughing. I went in front of the swing and sat beside him. Wrapped both my hands around him and said, "Open them now baby, open your beautiful eyes."

He opened his eyes slowly, like a disney princess. He gasped at the sight in front of him. He didn't say a word for two minutes. I took his large hands in my small ones and said, "Hazza?" He looked down at his hands in mine and looked up at me. He had tears in his eyes. And I didn't know what they meant until he speaks something. He looked back down at our hands again, and looked in my eyes and said, "I fucking love you Louis." He didn't give me a chance to say anything in return, and he crashed his plump pink luscious lips on my thin ones. This kiss was the best we ever shared, so full of love, so so full of love. We kissed with everything we had in us. My stomach was doing back flips and somersaults. And I bet his will too when I tell him I love him too.

When we pulled apart, we both were out breath. We were still panting, I said, "I love you too Harry." He eyes lit up so much hearing that. He stuttered, "Y-you love me t-too?" "Yes I do Haz. From such a long time. Didn't have the courage to say it. I was afraid you didn't love me back. But when you said you loved me, my heart was about to come out of my chest. So I said it before my heart really came out of my chest." Louis said, the last part while chuckling a bit.

Harry had tears running down his cheeks. I said "I hope these are happy tears Harold." "They are Lou, yes." he said while laughing.

Okay so this took a different turn. But now it's even more easy. I'm not nervous anymore. I said, "Hey Harry?" "Yeah Lou?" "Will you be my boyfriend?" I swear to God he is a girl, he squealed like a little kid when we give them sweets. He shouted, "Fuck yes!" I then reached out for the jar of butterflies which kept on the ground by the swing. Opened the lid, and let them out. "Looou, these are so pretty!" "Just like you baby." I said while smiling at him. Then we kissed talked for God knows how long, then we left.

End of Flashback

It turned out to be the best date of my life. Harry loves me! And he said yes to be my boyfriend.

So it's official now, we are boyfriends.

And oh, after coming home, we made love. Finally did the deed

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