September 18

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Another day gone.

Today we had a free lecture. Our geography teacher said that we were going to have some fun today.

And that fun was, all the students were either supposed to tell a joke or sing a song individually. I knew not a single joke. My vocabulary is shit. So I decided to sing.

As for Haz, he decided to tell a joke. I did tell him don't do that. Thats not his cup of tea. No one would laugh.

And exactly that only happened. Nobody laughed. Nobody knows why.

The teacher told him to sing a song instead then. And oh, I didn't know the song, but his voice was mesmerizing. The whole class was in awe. They even applauded for him. I didn't know he could sing, that too this good. Well it's just a start right.

When it was my turn, I sang my most favourite one. Look After You by The Fray. I love that song so fucking much. When I stopped singing, everyone's jaws were hanging open. All eyes on me.

I didn't like the attention. So I quickly ran away to my seat blushing furiously on the way. When I sat down, all started cheering, blowing whistles and applauding.

Cmon I can't be that good at singing. When I looked at Haz, he leant in, and kissed me in the front of the whole fucking class.

And after that, the whole school knew, that me and Harry are dating.

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