September 3

68 10 5

What the actual hell is going on. Today I saw Niall and Liam sharing sweet kisses, on that very same wall. I am not jealous I swear. But this is so annoying. They are getting on my fucking nerves without making me jealous. I wonder what would have happened if I really was jealous.

But I calmed down when I saw Harry at my first class. How did I calm down just by seeing him? I have got no idea. But oh well, now I am relaxed.

Anyways. Harry as usual, started telling me his knock knock jokes. I swear to God, they are awful. Nobody will ever laugh at his jokes. But why did I laugh? I got some serious problems here.

I want to sort them out, but at the same time I don't want to sort them out.

I don't know what is wrong with me since Monday. Seriously.

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