July 14

89 12 3

I didn't die because our simple but effective plan.

I took Simon to more private place and tried to kiss him, making it look like he was forcing himself on me. And at the same time I had to try not to puke.
It was only one really bad kiss, almost turned me straighter as a stick again. I literally run away after that. I don't care what he thinks, I don't have to explain myself to him.

Niall was that fucking purple squirrel behind the tree to capture that moment. Who the fuck refers themselves as a purple squirrel? Niall apparently.

Now let's get to the good part. Or bad part. Let me explain.

I had to send this picture to Simon's boss, right?
I didn't find his number or email so I could contact him but Niall found his facebook and send it there, or at least that's what he thought he did.

Niall had to send it to Levi, Simon's boss, but this lil shit sent it to Liam.

I found out about it like few hours later, when Zayn called me and not very kindly asked me to go and fuck myself.

Then I saw what Niall did.

And I got dumped last night because of that.

I didn't even got a chance to explain myself. Now I don't have a boyfriend anymore and I lost my best friend Zayn too.

Niall has been apologizing the whole evening because of that.

I, myself, made sure after this incident that Levi got that picture too and now I can cry myself to sleep.

What a nice day.

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