May 18

143 12 3

Asked Zayn if I can kiss him just to sort some things out. We were smoking cigarettes when I asked him that. He looked me like I've lost my mind, his eyes almost popping out of their sockets and he started coughing.
Hell no was his answer to that.

So much of being a supportive friend eh. I needed help and he didn't help me.

Then he didn't talk to me for the rest of the day.
He made me promise that I won't try to make a move on him.

Now it's all cool again. Time to forget that I asked him that. I kind of hoped him to be that good friend to help me but apparently not.
Maybe I just crossed some sort of a line. Is there even a line?
I don't know anymore.

Now we are in Zayn's home, he's brother is here too.
An hour ago we were sitting on the kitchen window, smoking when he's brother stumbled into the kitchen. He's clumsy.
He was only wearing his sweatpants. His torso naked.
I tried not to look but it was hard. Very hard not to look at.
Who would've know that underneath this nerd look was something so hot like that.
He noticed us, turned red as a tomato and said small hi.
Then he took bottle of water and left, looking almost like he was scared of us.

I snapped out of my daze quickly and hoped Zayn didn't saw how I looked his brother.

He didn't mention it tho, maybe he didn't saw.

Louis and his four boyfriends {a short story}Where stories live. Discover now