July 1

111 11 5

Today I will drive to that camp. Football camp to be exact.

I said goodbye to Liam.
Didn't broke up with him though.
Maybe this month is what our relationship needs. Like a break. For a while. It's only one month.
It's sad that noone can visit me whilst there. We can use our phones only once a week. Withdrawal kind of thing so we can concentrate on training only.
We have a few matches coming next month. We are going to win them all I swear to God.

Oh and we have this new coach there. Simon Cowbell or Cowshit or something similar.

Heard he's good a trainer.
I hope he tolerates our pranks we are going to pull on him.
We always prank our trainers, it's like a ritual for them.
We behave well when trainer understands the joke and won't turn into some sort of a devil after that.

Right now I have to leave, I don't want other guys to see my weird diary thing.
Notebook thing.
It's a notebook.
Are we clear?
Omg I'm literally going crazy.

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