October 7

53 6 0

I don't why I don't write much in this diary anymore.

Maybe because my life has been perfect from the past few weeks.
Maybe it's because I found out what I needed to know. Started this diary to sort my feelings and sexuality out and now I'm more than sure that I indeed am gay and now I have Harry.

Harry. The love of my life. I know I know, we are the kind of people who are highschool sweethearts.

I'd never get used the feeling.

And oh, today Liam came out of no where and apologized to me. Also to Harry since he busted him awfully bad.

He was full on sobbing. I forgave him. It was a shock to him. He looked so relieved at that moment.

He also told us that in the beginning, he pretending to be with Niall, but soon he fell in love with him, and Niall returned the feelings. So now they're in a proper relationship like Harry and I now.

So, that was something good now wasn't it.

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