September 2

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Well well well, what a day it has been. Today Harry asked me to come boating with him. I don't know if it's a date or something. It was also out of the blue. Sounds like a date to be honest. I'm going anyways, date or not, so yeah.

Another thing, today I went to do some shopping in the mall, needed a few new things. I saw Niall and Liam sitting in a food court. Are they following me or something? Like yesterday outside the school, and today, here.

I don't get it. Is this a jealousy act, to make me jealous, or are they REALLY dating.

Forget it. I got more interesting things to do for the day.

When it was time for me to go boating with Harry, we met at the destination and the driver of the boat started driving. What we didn't know that someone was taking pictures of us. It was the kind of boat where the driver sits at the back of the boat.

The driver. He fucking took pictures of us. I don't know why. They weren't that bad. I took only one in my phone, Harry took the same one.

We had quite a similar choice here

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We had quite a similar choice here.

But whatever, my day got spent really good. Been a long long time. I slept with a smile on my face after so many days.

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