July 22

91 12 1

Niall gave me a blowjob.
And I don't remember anything because I was too wasted.
How will I explain this to Liam?
I don't have to explain.
At least not right now.

We are on the break? I guess? I'm still hoping that one of them contacts me and leta me explain like everything.

It's not weird between me and Niall. Like literally. It's like nothing ever happened.

I asked him why he was in my bed and why was I naked and he was like "oh that, I gave you a blowjob, have a nice day".

And off he was.
It's a bit weird for me but not for Niall.
I didn't even do things with Liam and now I'm here in this messed up situation.

I need to talk with Liam soon.

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