July 13

92 12 10

Last night Simon asked me for a walk with him.
This lil shit.
I went with him, all because of the boys.

He blabbed about him long like really long. He talked about how he loves his job and how he likes me so much.

Couldn't care less but I just smiled through it. He asked few things about me here and there and then tried to convince me to go skinny dipping with him.

Trainer of the year I swear.

I declined politely saying I'm tired and I would like to go to sleep already.

I should've said yes, I should've wait for him to get into the water and then I would've run away with his clothes but that would've ruined our plan.

He accompanied me to my room and gave me a hug and went away and I went to puke.

Today I have to do a lot worse things and Niall will be there to take pictures and maybe a video with my phone.
He literally didn't even bring his because he knew we can't use it here most of the time.

Now I'm going to pray for myself and I wish I won't die.

Louis and his four boyfriends {a short story}Where stories live. Discover now