September 14

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Today Hazza called me. Asked me to dress nicely. Thought it was just because we had decided to hang out today.

But you won't believe what happened later.

When I met him outside my house. He had something in his hands behind him. When he brought it out, it was a beautiful bouquet of fresh blue roses. Said he likes my eyes so he got the blue ones.

But when I asked him for what the roses were, he said exactly what I was thinking. That motherfucker.

He asked me out on a date!

Jesus Christ. My heart was beating 100 miles per hour after hearing that.

When I didn't answer, he just pulled me in for a kiss.

I was so shocked at first. This bitch. I never thought he'd return the feelings.

After a point I did kiss him back though. Our lips fit perfectly. His lips were so soft. The kiss was so sweet.

I fucking felt like I was the luckiest man on earth. Why tho? Why was I getting such strong feelings all of a sudden. I mean don't get me wrong, I do love whatever this is. Just, it's all so sudden.

But anyways, the date was wonderful. Everything was perfect.

Just like Harry.

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