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Dear diary.

Or whatever shit I'm supposed to write here.
I'm confused.
About my sexuality.
I can't say shit about it to my friends, they would think I'm crazy.

School psychologist said that keeping a diary would help.
How the fuck eh?
I've always been into girls. They come and go whenever I want, I'm pretty popular because of that. Other guys are jealous of that, is that really something to be jealous about?

But lately I've been thinking about these jealous men. Or like men in particular.

Like no joke.

What's going on?
Aren't the girls enough?
Of course they are..kind of..they just don't excite me anymore, not like they used to.
They are all the same in this school and literally everywhere. They all have this typical british basic white girl look.
Horrible horrible horrible.

And now I don't know what to think.
So here I am writing this shit down to keep track on my thoughts and feelings.
Fooking shit.

Oh I had to write date here too.

It's last day of April.
April 30, and year is 2020.

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