May 19

141 13 4

Told Zayn that I like his brother. I had to. Can't keep my mouth shut, we talk about everything so I had to.

Liam is his brother's name.

Zayn flipped me off at my statement and told me to stay away from him.
Why tho?

I know that he is bi. He's has dated both genders, so why not ask him about stuff and maybe I can try things out with him.
"Try things out with him" this sentence sounds so weird to me but apparently I have to accept that. Makes things easier I heard.

Zaynie told me that we have brocode.
I thought this was something related to exes, that you can't date your friends ex.
But they are brothers, cmon.

Why can't I somewhat like him. It's not like I'm going to pull some crazy BDSM shit on him. Right?

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