September 20

60 10 5

Good it didn't rain today, stupid weather.

There were puddles of dirty muddy water everywhere. A car almost splattered it on me. Harry grabbed me and pulled me back though.

What was he doing outside my house? Wanted to come with me to school?

The first thing he did after pulling me back is, he turned me around and kissed me with full passion. It was so pure. The kiss was full of love.

Wait. Hang on right there.


Do I love Harry? How the fuck.

I guess I do love him. I don't really know how did this happen in such a short amount of time.

But. Does he love me too? Like if right now he doesn't, will he ever love me back?

I don't know.

Just the thought of slipping of those three words is scaring me.

I love Harry.

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